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Chromosomes, Bacterial

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Disease relevance of Chromosomes, Bacterial


High impact information on Chromosomes, Bacterial


Chemical compound and disease context of Chromosomes, Bacterial


Biological context of Chromosomes, Bacterial


Associations of Chromosomes, Bacterial with chemical compounds


Gene context of Chromosomes, Bacterial

  • All spontaneously formed thermoresistant colonies derived from MC1061-2 carried wild-type frr that resided either in the bacterial chromosome by re-exchange or in the plasmid, which became temperature-resistant [25].
  • For H2O2 damage, this rescue effect was correlated with the repair of oxidative lesions in the bacterial chromosome by the Apn1 protein [26].
  • Both transcriptional (operon) and translational (gene) fusions of either rpoB or rpoC to the lacZ reporter were used to monitor their in vivo expression by inserting single copies of these fusions into the bacterial chromosome on integration-proficient lambda vectors [27].
  • DNA gyrase on the bacterial chromosome. Oxolinic acid-induced DNA cleavage in the dnaA-gyrB region [28].
  • These mutants carry a mutation in the dnaE gene, encoding the alpha (polymerase) subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, which is responsible for the faithful replication of the bacterial chromosome [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chromosomes, Bacterial


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