Gene Review:
Tor1a - torsin family 1, member A
Rattus norvegicus
Dystonia 1 protein, Dyt1, Torsin ATPase 1, Torsin-1A
- TorsinA in PC12 cells: localization in the endoplasmic reticulum and response to stress. Hewett, J., Ziefer, P., Bergeron, D., Naismith, T., Boston, H., Slater, D., Wilbur, J., Schuback, D., Kamm, C., Smith, N., Camp, S., Ozelius, L.J., Ramesh, V., Hanson, P.I., Breakefield, X.O. J. Neurosci. Res. (2003)
- Modulation of torsinA expression in the globus pallidus internus is associated with levodopa-induced dyskinesia in hemiparkinsonian rats. Yamada, K., Goto, S., Kaji, R., Kuratsu, J. Neurosci. Lett. (2006)
- Pathology of idiopathic dystonia: findings from genetic animal models. Richter, A., Löscher, W. Prog. Neurobiol. (1998)
- Mutations Phe785Leu and Thr618Met in Na+,K+-ATPase, associated with familial rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism, interfere with Na+ interaction by distinct mechanisms. Rodacker, V., Toustrup-Jensen, M., Vilsen, B. J. Biol. Chem. (2006)
- Dystonin is essential for maintaining neuronal cytoskeleton organization. Dalpé, G., Leclerc, N., Vallée, A., Messer, A., Mathieu, M., De Repentigny, Y., Kothary, R. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (1998)
- Decreased GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in HPRT-deficient human and mouse fibroblast and rat B103 neuroblastoma cell membranes. Pinto, C.S., Seifert, R. J. Neurochem. (2006)
- Altered membrane NTPase activity in Lesch-Nyhan disease fibroblasts: comparison with HPRT knockout mice and HPRT-deficient cell lines. Pinto, C.S., Jinnah, H.A., Shirley, T.L., Nyhan, W.L., Seifert, R. J. Neurochem. (2005)
- Major strain differences in response to chronic systemic administration of the mitochondrial toxin 3-nitropropionic acid in rats: implications for neuroprotection studies. Ouary, S., Bizat, N., Altairac, S., Ménétrat, H., Mittoux, V., Condé, F., Hantraye, P., Brouillet, E. Neuroscience (2000)
- Subthalamic high frequency stimulation induced rotations are differentially mediated by D1 and D2 receptors. Bergmann, O., Winter, C., Meissner, W., Harnack, D., Kupsch, A., Morgenstern, R., Reum, T. Neuropharmacology (2004)
- Propranolol attenuates haloperidol-induced Fos expression in discrete regions of rat brain: possible brain regions responsible for akathisia. Ohashi, K., Hamamura, T., Lee, Y., Fujiwara, Y., Kuroda, S. Brain Res. (1998)
- GDNF induces a dystonia-like state in neonatal rats and stimulates dopamine and serotonin synthesis. Beck, K.D., Irwin, I., Valverde, J., Brennan, T.J., Langston, J.W., Hefti, F. Neuron (1996)
- Structural basis of biopterin-induced inhibition of GTP cyclohydrolase I by GFRP, its feedback regulatory protein. Maita, N., Hatakeyama, K., Okada, K., Hakoshima, T. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- Rat GTP cyclohydrolase I is a homodecameric protein complex containing high-affinity calcium-binding sites. Steinmetz, M.O., Plüss, C., Christen, U., Wolpensinger, B., Lustig, A., Werner, E.R., Wachter, H., Engel, A., Aebi, U., Pfeilschifter, J., Kammerer, R.A. J. Mol. Biol. (1998)
- Evidence for a role of haloperidol-sensitive sigma-'opiate' receptors in the motor effects of antipsychotic drugs. Walker, J.M., Matsumoto, R.R., Bowen, W.D., Gans, D.L., Jones, K.D., Walker, F.O. Neurology (1988)
- Serum trihexyphenidyl levels in the treatment of torsion dystonia. Burke, R.E., Fahn, S. Neurology (1985)
- In vivo models of multiple system atrophy. Fernagut, P.O., Ghorayeb, I., Diguet, E., Tison, F. Mov. Disord. (2005)
- Behavioral effects in rats following intrastriatal microinjection of manganese. Inoue, N., Tsukada, Y., Barbeau, A. Brain Res. (1975)
- Selective vulnerability of pallidal neurons in the early phases of manganese intoxication. Spadoni, F., Stefani, A., Morello, M., Lavaroni, F., Giacomini, P., Sancesario, G. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale. (2000)
- Lithium attenuates dopamine depleting effects of reserpine and tetrabenazine but not that of alpha methyl-p-tyrosine. Reches, A., Hassan, M.N., Jackson, V.R., Fahn, S. Life Sci. (1983)
- Overexpression of torsinA in PC12 cells protects against toxicity. Shashidharan, P., Paris, N., Sandu, D., Karthikeyan, L., McNaught, K.S., Walker, R.H., Olanow, C.W. J. Neurochem. (2004)
- Developmental expression of rat torsinA transcript and protein. Xiao, J., Gong, S., Zhao, Y., LeDoux, M.S. Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res. (2004)
- JL 13, an atypical antipsychotic: a preclinical review. Ellenbroek, B.A., Liégeois, J.F. CNS drug reviews. (2003)
- Neurotoxicity in conscious rats following intraventricular SNAP, a nitric oxide donor. Gross, P.M., Weaver, D.F., Bowers, R.J., Nag, S., Ho, L.T., Pang, J.J., Espinosa, F.J. Neuropharmacology (1994)
- Induction of immediate early gene expression by high-frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in rats. Schulte, T., Brecht, S., Herdegen, T., Illert, M., Mehdorn, H.M., Hamel, W. Neuroscience (2006)
- Haloperidol-sensitive sigma receptor and the role of the pineal gland in dystonia. Sandyk, R. Schizophr. Res. (1991)
- Sigma binding parameters in developing rats predict behavioral efficacy of a sigma ligand. Hemstreet, M.K., Matsumoto, R.R., Bowen, W.D., Walker, J.M. Brain Res. (1993)
- Embryonic mesencephalic grafts increase levodopa-induced forelimb hyperkinesia in parkinsonian rats. Steece-Collier, K., Collier, T.J., Danielson, P.D., Kurlan, R., Yurek, D.M., Sladek, J.R. Mov. Disord. (2003)
- Experimental dystonia induced by quaternary-chlorpromazine. Rotrosen, J., Stanley, M., Kuhn, C., Wazer, D., Gershon, S. Neurology (1980)
- The functional sensitisation of sigma receptors following chronic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment. Faherty, C.J., Harkin, A.J., Leonard, B.E. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1998)
- Characterization of two novel sigma receptor ligands: antidystonic effects in rats suggest sigma receptor antagonism. Matsumoto, R.R., Bowen, W.D., Tom, M.A., Vo, V.N., Truong, D.D., De Costa, B.R. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1995)
- Clozapine pre-treatment enhances raclopride catalepsy. Wadenberg, M.L., Seeman, P. Eur. J. Pharmacol. (1999)
- Glutamic acid decarboxylase activity in micropunches of the deep cerebellar nuclei of the genetically dystonic (dt) rat. Oltmans, G.A., Beales, M., Lorden, J.F. Brain Res. (1986)
- An evaluation of sustained postural abnormalities in rats induced by intracerebro-ventricular injection of chlorpromazine methiodide or somatostatin as models of dystonia. Burke, R.E., Fahn, S. Advances in neurology. (1988)
- Immunohistochemical study of TAFII250 in the rat laryngeal nervous system. Okano, H., Bamba, H., Hisa, Y., Makino, S., Ando, S., Tamiya, G., Goto, S., Kaji, R., Kimura, H., Tooyama, I. Histol. Histopathol. (2005)
- Role of endothelin receptor subtypes in the behavioral effects of the intracerebroventricular administration of endothelin-1 in conscious rats. Nagasaka, J., Tsuji, M., Takeda, H., Matsumiya, T. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. (1999)
- Extrafusal and intrafusal muscle effects in experimental botulinum toxin-A injection. Rosales, R.L., Arimura, K., Takenaga, S., Osame, M. Muscle Nerve (1996)