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Gene Review

Tor1a  -  torsin family 1, member A

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Dystonia 1 protein, Dyt1, Torsin ATPase 1, Torsin-1A
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Disease relevance of Dyt1


Psychiatry related information on Dyt1


High impact information on Dyt1

  • GDNF induces a dystonia-like state in neonatal rats and stimulates dopamine and serotonin synthesis [11].
  • Apart from animal models of symptomatic dystonia, genetic animal models with inherited dystonia which occurs in the absence of pathomorphological alterations in brain and spinal cord are describe [3].
  • By locating 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylalanine-responsive dystonia mutations in the complex structure, we found mutations that may possibly disturb the GFRP-mediated regulation of GTPCHI [12].
  • This finding suggests that failure of calcium binding may be the consequence of a mutation recently identified in the causative GTP cyclohydrolase I gene of patients suffering from dopa responsive dystonia [13].
  • 1,3-Di-o-tolylguanidine (DTG), a highly selective ligand for the haloperidol-sensitive sigma-receptor, produced marked dystonia in rats after microinjection into the red nucleus, a motor area rich in this receptor [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dyt1

  • Serum trihexyphenidyl levels in the treatment of torsion dystonia [15].
  • MPTP-treated monkeys displayed a significant worsening of parkinsonism and a loss of levodopa-responsiveness after the appearance of hindlimb dystonia and striatal lesion formation induced by subsequent 3-NP intoxication [16].
  • Repeated or chronic administration of this metal in man or animals is known to result in a brain dopamine and/or serotonin deficit commensurate with the clinical manifestations of bradykinesia and dystonia [17].
  • Prolonged exposure to manganese in mammals may cause an extrapyramidal disorder characterized by dystonia and rigidity [18].
  • Such interaction between these drugs may attenuate the beneficial effects of tetrabenazine and reserpine on patients with tardive dyskinesia or tardive dystonia who are treated concurrently with lithium for their psychiatric disorder [19].

Biological context of Dyt1

  • Childhood-onset dystonia is an autosomal dominant movement disorder associated with a three base pair (GAG) deletion mutation in the DYT1 gene [20].
  • Furthermore, the time course of torsinA expression in discrete components of motor networks is compatible with the temporal window of clinical penetrance in DYT1 mutation carriers [21].
  • Regarding behavioral toxicology, JL 13 did not produce dystonia or Parkinsonian symptoms in haloperidol-sensitized monkeys [22].

Anatomical context of Dyt1

  • SNAP produced dose-dependent convulsions similar to those associated with limbic stimulation, such as tonic extension of the hindlimbs and tail, and dystonia of the forepaws [23].
  • Deep brain stimulation is associated with delayed improvement of parkinsonian symptoms, such as hypokinesia with subthalamic nucleus stimulation, or dystonia with globus pallidus internus stimulation [24].
  • Haloperidol-sensitive sigma receptor and the role of the pineal gland in dystonia [25].
  • The degree of dystonia produced by a single dose of DTG was significantly correlated with the amount of [3H]DTG bound to rat brain synaptosomal membranes at low but not at high concentrations [26].
  • Although a single solid graft of embryonic DA neurons can prevent progression of some lesioned-induced behavioral abnormalities such as LD-induced rotation and dystonia, it significantly increases hyperkinetic movements of the contralateral forelimb [27].

Associations of Dyt1 with chemical compounds

  • Using a radioreceptor technique, we assayed serum trihexyphenidyl levels in patients with dystonia being treated chronically with high dosage [15].
  • Experimental dystonia induced by quaternary-chlorpromazine [28].
  • The increase in serotonin correlated with the reported potentiation of dystonia in animals that received 28 days treatment with these drugs [29].
  • BD1047 and BD1063 dose-dependently attenuated the dystonia produced by DTG, suggesting a receptor-mediated mechanism, and the dose curve for DTG was shifted to the right in the presence of the novel ligands [30].
  • The mechanism of clozapine potentiation of raclopride action may contribute to the clinically observed post-clozapine dystonia [31].

Other interactions of Dyt1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dyt1

  • Pathology of idiopathic dystonia: findings from genetic animal models [3].
  • In addition to partial denervation, Botulinum toxin effects in dystonia may also be related to modified spindle afferent discharge [36].


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