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Red Nucleus

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Disease relevance of Red Nucleus


High impact information on Red Nucleus

  • In order to localize a particular site of memory formation within the brain, the rabbit eyeblink response was classically conditioned while regions of the cerebellum or red nucleus were temporarily inactivated by microinfusions of the gamma-aminobutyric acid agonist muscimol [6].
  • We tested the relationship of the medial arc to oculomotor complex and red nucleus development by perturbing arc pattern formation in Sonic Hedgehog and FGF8 misexpression experiments [7].
  • We further found that FGF8 manipulations that push the medial arc rostrally coordinately move both the red nucleus and oculomotor complex anlagen [7].
  • Three months later the corticofugal projections to the red nucleus and the pons were analyzed; a relatively large number of corticorubral and corticopontine fibers from the lesioned side had crossed the midline and established an additional contralateral innervation of the red nucleus and the pons [8].
  • These results suggest that glutamatergic afferent input contributes significantly to the death of axotomized red nucleus and Clarke's nucleus neurons via NMDA receptors located on these neurons [9].

Biological context of Red Nucleus


Anatomical context of Red Nucleus


Associations of Red Nucleus with chemical compounds


Gene context of Red Nucleus


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Red Nucleus


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