Gene Review:
KITLG - KIT ligand
Gallus gallus
- MLL-ENL cooperates with SCF to transform primary avian multipotent cells. Schulte, C.E., von Lindern, M., Steinlein, P., Beug, H., Wiedemann, L.M. EMBO J. (2002)
- Transferrin receptor hyperexpression in primary erythroblasts is lost on transformation by avian erythroblastosis virus. Lobmayr, L., Sauer, T., Killisch, I., Schranzhofer, M., Wilson, R.B., Ponka, P., Beug, H., Müllner, E.W. Blood (2002)
- Stem cell factor stimulates chicken osteoclast activity in vitro. van't Hof, R.J., von Lindern, M., Nijweide, P.J., Beug, H. FASEB J. (1997)
- Primary, self-renewing erythroid progenitors develop through activation of both tyrosine kinase and steroid hormone receptors. Steinlein, P., Wessely, O., Meyer, S., Deiner, E.M., Hayman, M.J., Beug, H. Curr. Biol. (1995)
- Transformation of chicken bone marrow cells by the v-ski oncogene. Larsen, J., Meyer, S., Steinlein, P., Beug, H., Hayman, M.J. Oncogene (1993)
- Transformation of erythroid progenitors by viral and cellular tyrosine kinases. Beug, H., Schroeder, C., Wessely, O., Deiner, E., Meyer, S., Ischenko, I.D., Hayman, M.J. Cell Growth Differ. (1995)
- Expression of protein tyrosine kinases and stem cell factor in chicken blastodermal cells. Sasaki, E., Etches, R.J. Poult. Sci. (2001)
- Stem cell factor is a neurotrophic factor for neural crest-derived chick sensory neurons. Carnahan, J.F., Patel, D.R., Miller, J.A. J. Neurosci. (1994)
- Spi-1 and mutant p53 regulate different aspects of the proliferation and differentiation control of primary erythroid progenitors. Quang, C.T., Pironin, M., von Lindern, M., Beug, H., Ghysdael, J. Oncogene (1995)
- The fibroblast growth factor receptor FGFR-4 acts as a ligand dependent modulator of erythroid cell proliferation. Koritschoner, N.P., Bartůnĕk, P., Knespel, S., Blendinger, G., Zenke, M. Oncogene (1999)
- Effects of cytokines from thymocytes and thymic stromal cells on chicken intrathymic T cell development. Mukamoto, M., Kodama, H., Baba, T. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. (1999)
- Divergence of the inflammatory response in two types of chickens. Leshchinsky, T.V., Klasing, K.C. Dev. Comp. Immunol. (2001)
- Avian stem cell factor (SCF): production and characterization of the recombinant His-tagged SCF of chicken and its neutralizing antibody. Bartůnĕk, P., Pichlíková, L., Stengl, G., Boehmelt, G., Martin, F.H., Beug, H., Dvorák, M., Zenke, M. Cytokine (1996)
- Refined localization of the chicken KITLG, MGP and TYR genes on GGA1 by FISH mapping using BACs. Sazanov, A.A., Sazanova, A.L., Tzareva, V.A., Kozyreva, A.A., Smirnov, A.F., Romanov, M.N., Price, J.A., Dodgson, J.B. Anim. Genet. (2004)
- Purification and activity of recombinant chicken stem cell factor produced by using a baculovirus vector. Zhou, J.H., Ohtaki, M., Inumaru, S., Kitani, H., Sakurai, M. J. Vet. Med. Sci. (1996)
- Expression and purification of biologically active recombinant quail stem cell factor in E. coli. D'Costa, S., Kulik, M.J., Petitte, J.N. Cell Biol. Int. (2000)