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Disease relevance of Erythroblasts


High impact information on Erythroblasts

  • It also reduces the capacity of ts sea- and ts erbB-transformed erythroblasts to differentiate terminally in an erythropoietin-dependent manner after a temperature shift [6].
  • Expression of a caspase-resistant GATA-1 mutant, but not of the wild-type gene, completely restored erythroid expansion and differentiation following the triggering of death receptors, indicating that there is regulatory feedback between mature and immature erythroblasts through caspase-mediated cleavage of GATA-1 [2].
  • In man, a shift from gamma- to beta-globin gene expression in erythroblasts underlies a switch from fetal to adult haemoglobin during development [7].
  • Furthermore, zeta- and beta-globin synthesis is restricted to primitive and definitive erythroblasts respectively [8].
  • Mutant embryos produced normal numbers of megakaryocytes and erythroid progenitors, but some showed an impairment of erythroblast maturation [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Erythroblasts


Biological context of Erythroblasts


Anatomical context of Erythroblasts


Associations of Erythroblasts with chemical compounds

  • When stably introduced into primary erythroblasts or conditionally transformed erythroid progenitors cells, exogenous GATA-2/ER promoted proliferation and inhibited terminal differentiation in an estrogen-dependent manner [25].
  • To test the hypothesis that phosphorylation of Ser-16/17 regulates gag/v-erbA protein function, mutant proteins in which Ser-16/17 had been changed to alanine or threonine residues were analyzed for their ability to inhibit erythroid differentiation of ts v-erbB or ts v-sea-transformed erythroblasts at nonpermissive temperature [15].
  • In stably transformed erythroblasts coexpressing the v-erbA oncoprotein and the c-erbA/T3 receptor at an approximately equimolar ratio, c-erbA activity is dominant over v-erbA [26].
  • delta-Aminolevulinic acid synthetase in erythroblasts of patients with pyridoxine-responsive anemia. Hypercatabolism caused by the increased susceptibility to the controlling protease [23].
  • Apparent affinity to pyridoxal phosphate of the apo-delta-aminolevulinic acid synthetase obtained from erythroblasts of the patients was almost the same as that of normal controls [23].

Gene context of Erythroblasts

  • In this study, we report data showing that immature human erythroblasts express the integrins VLA-4 and VLA-5 and that both these molecules act as fibronectin receptors on these cells [27].
  • GATA transcription factors associate with a novel class of nuclear bodies in erythroblasts and megakaryocytes [28].
  • Forced expression of Ldb1 in G1ER proerythroblast cells inhibited cellular maturation, a finding compatible with the decrease in Ldb1 gene expression that normally occurs during erythroid differentiation [29].
  • Binding of 125I-EPO to erythroblasts also showed a steady decline of the cell surface binding during maturation and terminal differentiation [30].
  • These results suggest that constitutive activations of PI3K/AKT and PKC/MAPK pathways can act in synergy to lead a proerythroblast to proliferate without Epo [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Erythroblasts


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