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Gene Review

NTF3  -  neurotrophin 3

Gallus gallus

Synonyms: HDNF, NGF-2, NGF2, NT-3, NT3
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Disease relevance of NTF3


High impact information on NTF3

  • These data implicate a role for the p75 receptor in NGF's neurotoxicity and indicate that this receptor is involved in the mechanism by which ION neurons respond to BDNF and NT-3 in the target [5].
  • KI receptors, like full-length receptors, were tyrosine phosphorylated in response to NT-3 and mediated the transformation of chick embryo fibroblasts and process outgrowth from rat PC12 cells [6].
  • These results indicate that alternative splicing of trkC transcripts is an important mechanism for regulating cellular responses to NT-3 [6].
  • Thus, specific high-affinity NT-3 receptors exist on sensory neurons that can readily discriminate between three structurally related ligands [7].
  • Inhibition of the NT-3 receptor TrkC, early in chick embryogenesis, results in severe reductions in multiple neuronal subpopulations in the dorsal root ganglia [8].

Biological context of NTF3

  • Thus, NT-3 promotes the conversion of neuroepithelial cells into neurons, whereas BDNF and NGF control the programmed cell death (apoptosis) that affects early postmitotic neuroblasts [9].
  • Treatment with NT-3 showed down-regulation of trkB levels at all developmental stages [10].
  • We found that high concentrations of BDNF and NT-3 administered together, and low concentrations of both neurotrophins combined and administered with RA suppress otocyst cell numbers after 24 h in vitro [11].
  • Here we show that only a single conservative amino acid substitution distinguishes the chicken mature NT-3 protein from its mammalian counterpart [12].
  • We also note the presence of amino acid sequence motifs in the precursor protein sequences of chicken BDNF and NT-3 that are universally conserved among all known mammalian neurotrophin precursors and have been demonstrated to play a crucial role in promoting correct processing of the pro-proteins [12].

Anatomical context of NTF3

  • BDNF and NT-3 regulation of trkB and trkC mRNA levels in the developing chick spinal cord [10].
  • Presynaptic neurotrophin-3 increases the number of tectal synapses, vesicle density, and number of docked vesicles in chick embryos [13].
  • To determine whether presynaptically derived neurotrophins may contribute to synaptic plasticity, we examined whether neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) changed the number, size, vesicle content, or vesicle distribution of synapses within the retinorecipient layers of the chick optic tectum [13].
  • In this system, endogenous NT-3 derives presynaptically from retinal ganglion cell axons [13].
  • In contrast, NT-3 had no effect on the length of neurites [14].

Associations of NTF3 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of NTF3

  • E7 and E14 HNT-3R could be distinguished from each other on the basis of different inhibition patterns of 125I-NT-3 binding in the presence of nerve growth factor or brain-derived neurotrophic factor [19].

Co-localisations of NTF3


Regulatory relationships of NTF3

  • TrkC mRNA levels were down-regulated at all developmental stages with NT-3 treatment and at E10 and E15 with BDNF treatment [10].
  • A similar high level of neurotrophin-3 neither promotes the survival of BDNF-dependent ventrolateral trigeminal ganglion neurons nor affects the dose response of these neurons to BDNF [21].

Other interactions of NTF3


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NTF3

  • We used an expression system to supply developing chicks with the neurotrophic factor and then analysed the receptor mRNA levels at embryonic day 8 (E8), E10 and E15 using semi-quantitative RT-PCR [10].


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