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SPAR  -  surfactant protein A binding protein

Homo sapiens

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Disease relevance of SPAR


High impact information on SPAR

  • Embryonic stem cells. German leaders spar over bioethics [6].
  • These high-precision measurements were made on natural Iceland spar calcite cleaved along the (1014) plane and reacted with a dilute aqueous lead solution [7].
  • Two recent studies by Sheng and associates (Pak et al., 2001; Sala et al., 2001) provide an elegant molecular analysis of the role of a spine-specific protein, SPAR, and the synaptic proteins Shank and Homer, in regulating dendritic spine morphology, and the possible functional consequences of this regulation [8].
  • The human and porcine SP-A recognition (SPAR) proteins resemble each other, as well as other cell membrane receptors [9].
  • Surfactant-associated protein A (SP-A) is a component of pulmonary surfactant that binds to a specific receptor (SPAR) on the surface of type II alveolar cells of the lung and regulates gene expression and surfactant secretion [10].

Biological context of SPAR

  • SP-A/SPAR interaction thus initiates a signaling pathway that regulates apoptosis in type II cells [10].
  • The SPAR haplotypes of some strains isolated from sorghum were similar to the F. thapsinum reference strain haplotypes, but there was no fertile mating between the strains isolated from the two substrates and the F. thapsinum references strains [11].
  • PHITS uses JAERI Quantum Molecular Dynamics (JQMD) and the Generalized Evaporation Model (GEM) for calculations of fission and evaporation processes, a model developed at NASA Langley for calculation of total reaction cross sections, and the SPAR model for stopping power calculations [12].
  • Moderately (N:61) and profoundly (N:103) retarded or developmentally handicapped residents of a large institution were assessed using three audiometric procedures: behavioral observation audiometry (BOA, both speech and tonal), acoustic reflex measures (SPAR), and brain-stem auditory-evoked responses (BSAER) audiometry [13].
  • Then finally there is the challenge of setting up the business in the context of the volatile, venture-capital based biotechnology market where the requirements for assured quality spar with those for cut prices [14].

Associations of SPAR with chemical compounds

  • Comparative in vitro assessment of sparfloxacin activity and spectrum using results from over 14,000 pathogens isolated at 190 medical centers in the USA. SPAR Study Group [15].
  • The SPAR results revealed the existence of a clear correlation between the redox potentials and the antibacterial activity of the series of beta-nitrostyrene derivatives under study [16].
  • Expression of SAP97 recruited a complex of additional postsynaptic proteins to synapses including glutamate receptor 1, Shank1a, SPAR (spine-associated RapGAP), and proSAP2 [17].
  • Iceland spar is radiopaque, inexpensive, easily obtained, homogenous in composition, and sizable [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SPAR

  • The cellular distribution of these transcripts, as determined by in situ hybridization, is similar to that of SPAR protein, as determined by immunohistochemistry; both are found in cells consistent with type II pneumocytes [9].
  • Iceland spar was fragmented with both lithotripsy methods in a reproducible fashion [18].
  • Changes in surface composition and morphology resulting from exposure of single crystals of Iceland spar to Eu(3+)-bearing solutions were observed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) [19].
  • Controversy over myocardial revascularization, either transmyocardial or percutaneous, continues as experts spar over advantages of each [20].


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