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Femoral Fractures

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Disease relevance of Femoral Fractures

  • The value of low dosage heparin for the prophylaxis of thromboembolism in patients with transcervical and intertrochanteric femoral fractures [1].
  • In rats subjected to moderately severe injury (dorsal wounding or unilateral femoral fracture), supplemental vitamin A greatly diminished the thymic involution observed in chow-fed controls and delayed or minimized the accompanying adrenal hypertrophy [2].
  • The rate of technical failure in patients with unstable trochanteric fractures was 6.5% (6/93) (including intra-operative femoral fractures) in the SGN group and 5.2% (5/96) in the MSP group [3].
  • The healing of femoral fractures in an experimental rat pseudoarthrosis model was followed by studying the expression of cartilage specific genes coding for type II and X collagens and aggrecan, soft tissue and bone specific type I collagen, and decorin [4].
  • Mechanical properties of healing femoral fractures, intact femora, healing skin wounds and intact skin, have been studied in young male rats during treatment with salmon calcitonin (CT) (3 MCR-U/kg body weight/day) [5].

Psychiatry related information on Femoral Fractures


High impact information on Femoral Fractures


Chemical compound and disease context of Femoral Fractures


Biological context of Femoral Fractures


Anatomical context of Femoral Fractures


Gene context of Femoral Fractures

  • Deletion of the iNOS gene decreased the total and maximum energy absorption of the healing femoral fracture by 30% and by 70% (P<0.01), respectively, in comparison to the wild-type mice [21].
  • Using a rat model of closed femoral fracture healing, we analyzed the spatial and temporal expression of FGFR3 [22].
  • The sfx/sfx mouse is characterized by a spontaneous femoral fracture seen around 6 weeks of age, which represents a new mouse model for bone fragility [23].
  • These findings indicate that BMP-4 and rDlx are selectively expressed following femoral fracture in the rat, and also suggest that they are involved in the formation of the callus at an early point during the postfracture healing of bone [24].
  • MRSA in patients presenting with femoral fractures [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Femoral Fractures


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  19. Combined lumbar and sacral plexus block compared with plain bupivacaine spinal anesthesia for hip fractures in the elderly. de Visme, V., Picart, F., Le Jouan, R., Legrand, A., Savry, C., Morin, V. Regional anesthesia and pain medicine. (2000) [Pubmed]
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