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Disease relevance of Piloerection


Psychiatry related information on Piloerection


High impact information on Piloerection

  • Paroxysmal piloerection is a rare manifestation of epilepsy [8].
  • In addition, a rise in body temperature by approximately 2 C was observed at time points at which the effects of hIL-1 beta on 5-HT and corticosterone levels were (near-)maximal. hIL-1 beta-treated rats displayed typical characteristics of sickness behavior, such as immobility, piloerection, and a curled-up body posture [9].
  • Additionally, midodrine appears to cause less frequent and severe adverse effects associated with alpha-receptor agonism such as piloerection and urinary hesitancy [10].
  • We show that animals treated with cyclophosphamide had inflamed bladders and displayed high urinary frequency as well as some indicators of spontaneous pain, such as piloerection and a rounded-back posture [11].
  • A time-dependent sensitization was induced in mice, wherein reexposure to mTNF-alpha 28 days (but not 1 day) following the initial cytokine treatment provoked marked signs of illness (diminished activity, ptosis, piloerection) and increased plasma corticosterone levels [12].

Biological context of Piloerection


Anatomical context of Piloerection


Associations of Piloerection with chemical compounds

  • For objective ratings, only the items rhinorrhea, piloerection and signs of anxiety were significantly associated with the methadone concentrations [18].
  • Morphine (total dose = 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 200 nmol), DAMGO and DPDPE (total dose = 0.1, 1, 10, 100 nmol of each) produced piloerection and sedation, indicating that the responses of guinea pigs to mu- and delta-opioid agonists differed from those of rats and mice [19].
  • The animals exhibited hypervigilance, aggressiveness, tachypnea, piloerection and frequent change of posture and also had raised plasma cortisol levels [20].
  • Clinical signs associated with isoeugenol exposure included dose-related evidence of sedation and aversion to treatment (rooting behavior) in all isoeugenol groups, as well as an increased incidence of piloerection at >/= 500 mg/kg/day [21].
  • During the clonidine-infusion period piloerection and sedation were prominent [22].

Gene context of Piloerection

  • Unlike TRH, amphetamine did not produce wet-dog shakes, tail elevation and piloerection [23].
  • In the rat, systemic administration of murine monoclonal antibodies against acetylcholinesterase caused rapid piloerection and ptosis (within 30-60 min after the injection) [24].
  • Changes in audiogenic seizure susceptibility were accompanied by piloerection, ptosis and loss of spontaneous locomotor and exploratory behaviour [25].
  • Abrupt withdrawal of PCP after infusion for 7 days resulted in an abstinence syndrome with the following signs: piloerection, increased susceptibility to audiogenic seizures, transient weight loss and reductions in exploratory activity and rotarod performance [26].
  • MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Mice were observed for time to onset of symptoms (piloerection, agitation, and tremor) and mortality at 1, 24, and 48 hours [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Piloerection

  • On days 29 and 82, functional observations in 5,000 and 10,000 ppm rats included labored or increased respiration, mild tremors, walking on tiptoes, hunched posture, piloerection, crouching over, impaired coordination of movement, ataxia, and pupillary constriction [28].


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