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Gene Review

Szs1  -  seizure susceptibility 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Kasz1
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Disease relevance of Szs1


Psychiatry related information on Szs1


High impact information on Szs1


Chemical compound and disease context of Szs1


Biological context of Szs1


Anatomical context of Szs1


Associations of Szs1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Szs1


Other interactions of Szs1

  • Of these, the most compelling seizure susceptibility candidate is Kcnj10 [19].
  • We now confirm this seizure-related QTL ( Szs1) using reciprocal, interval-specific congenic strains and map it to a 6.6-Mb segment between Pbx1 and D1Mit150 [19].
  • Seizure susceptibility is dramatically increased in GAD65-/- mice backcrossed into a second genetic background, the nonobese diabetic (NOD/LtJ) strain of mice enabling electroencephalogram analysis of the seizures [37].
  • Galanin is a neuropeptide implicated in the regulation of feeding, reproduction, cognition, nociception, and seizure susceptibility [38].
  • This property of CA3 neurons, seen particularly when tissue conditions become abnormal (e.g., elevated extracellular potassium), helps to explain the high seizure susceptibility of Kcna1-null mice [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Szs1


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