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Adjustment Disorders

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Disease relevance of Adjustment Disorders


Psychiatry related information on Adjustment Disorders


High impact information on Adjustment Disorders


Chemical compound and disease context of Adjustment Disorders


Biological context of Adjustment Disorders


Anatomical context of Adjustment Disorders

  • Neuropsychological functioning and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of an endogenous neurotoxin, quinolinic acid (QUIN) were evaluated in 52 HIV-positive individuals (71% without constitutional symptoms) and 33 HIV-seronegative controls (including 15 psychiatric patients with adjustment disorders) [20].
  • Difficulties in screening for adjustment disorder, Part I: Use of existing screening instruments in cancer patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation [21].
  • The etiology of LCH remains unknown, although the evidence indicates that it is a clonal proliferative disorder of Langerhans cells, it has also been characterized as reactive disorder, neoplastic process and a berrant immune response [22].
  • Depressive and adjustment disorders were the most often diagnosed psychiatric illnesses.The most common medical diagnoses were epilepsy, drug overdose, ambiguous genitalia, orthopaedic injuries and diabetes mellitus.Young people with these medical problems are in real need of psychological assessment and intervention [23].
  • In reactive disorders, a population of activated neutrophils with high CD45 and CD18 expression was detected [24].

Gene context of Adjustment Disorders

  • Development of an Impact Thermometer for use in combination with the Distress Thermometer as a brief screening tool for adjustment disorders and/or major depression in cancer patients [25].
  • In more than 400 patients suffering from generalized anxiety or adjustment disorders with anxious mood, six double-blind studies run against placebo or reference drug over a period of two to three weeks indicated an anxiolytic effect superior (P less than 0.01) to that of placebo and comparable to that of reference drugs (DZ, LZP, CZP) [26].
  • The anniversary reaction: a meeting of Freud and Pavlov [27].
  • Major depressive episode (MDE) patients, as defined by the Dexamethasone Suppression Test, performed less well than patients with Adjustment Disorder with Depressive Mood [28].
  • DSM-III-R criteria applied in the evaluation of 88 systemic lupus erythematosus patients revealed a point prevalence rate of 18.2% for psychiatric disorders, the most common diagnosis being adjustment disorder (11.4%) [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Adjustment Disorders


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