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Chemical Compound Review

Seroxat     (3S,4R)-3-(benzo[1,3]dioxol- 5-yloxymethyl)...

Synonyms: Frosinor, Motivan, Oxetine, Aropax, paroxetine, ...
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Disease relevance of Aropax


Psychiatry related information on Aropax

  • CONCLUSIONS: Paroxetine is an effective treatment for patients with generalized social phobia [6].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Paroxetine showed moderate benefit for depressive symptoms and mental health function in elderly patients with dysthymia and more severely impaired elderly patients with minor depression [7].
  • INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomly assigned to receive paroxetine (n = 137) or placebo (n = 140), starting at 10 mg/d and titrated to a maximum of 40 mg/d, or problem-solving treatment-primary care (PST-PC; n = 138) [7].
  • For dysthymia, paroxetine improved mental health functioning vs placebo among patients whose baseline functioning was high (difference in mean [SE] change in SF-36 mental component scores, 5.8 [2.02]; P =. 01) or intermediate (difference in mean [SE] change in SF-36 mental component scores, 4.4 [1.74]; P =.03) [7].
  • Adult night terrors and paroxetine [8].

High impact information on Aropax


Chemical compound and disease context of Aropax


Biological context of Aropax


Anatomical context of Aropax

  • Levels of mRNA for the SERT in the raphe nucleus were also unaltered by chronic paroxetine treatment [23].
  • The determination of the binding parameters of 3H-paroxetine revealed that, in rats treated for 21 d with paroxetine (10 mg/kg/d, s.c.), following a 48 hr washout Kd values were unchanged but Bmax values were reduced by 70% and 60% in hippocampal and cortical membranes, respectively [24].
  • RNA-injected Xenopus oocytes accumulate 5HT, and paroxetine or desipramine inhibit this uptake [25].
  • Chronic administration of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) paroxetine modulates human motor cortex excitability in healthy subjects [26].
  • Paroxetine in breast milk [27].

Associations of Aropax with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Aropax


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Aropax

  • METHODS: In a double-blind study of 40 patients with malignant melanoma who were eligible for high-dose interferon alfa therapy, we randomly assigned 20 patients to receive the antidepressant paroxetine and 20 to receive placebo [1].
  • METHODS: This was a placebo-controlled multicenter study comprising a single-blind acute treatment phase (12 weeks) and a randomized, double-blind maintenance treatment phase (24 weeks) for patients who had responded to paroxetine during the acute phase [35].
  • Compared with placebo, paroxetine treatment significantly (P<.001) improved the symptoms of social anxiety as shown on the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, Social Phobia Inventory, Sheehan Disability Scale, Symptom Checklist-90 score, and EuroQol visual analogue scale, indicating decreased disability and increased well-being [35].
  • CONCLUSION: Paroxetine had no influence on fatigue in patients receiving chemotherapy [36].
  • In a double-blind, placebo controlled and crossover study, 19 subjects received daily 20 mg paroxetine or placebo, respectively, over a period of 30 days separated by a wash-out period of 3 months [37].


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  7. Treatment of dysthymia and minor depression in primary care: A randomized controlled trial in older adults. Williams, J.W., Barrett, J., Oxman, T., Frank, E., Katon, W., Sullivan, M., Cornell, J., Sengupta, A. JAMA (2000) [Pubmed]
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