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LCH  -  Lentil agglutinin-binding

Homo sapiens

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Disease relevance of LCH


Psychiatry related information on LCH

  • The etiology of LCH remains unknown, although the evidence indicates that it is a clonal proliferative disorder of Langerhans cells, it has also been characterized as reactive disorder, neoplastic process and a berrant immune response [5].
  • Among those trying to control weight, a significantly higher proportion of current LCHP diet users reported eating fewer calories and meeting physical activity recommendations (38.0%) compared with nonusers (29.8%) [6].

High impact information on LCH

  • Finally, LCH granulomas were the only site where CD154-positive T cells could be identified in close contact with LC intensely expressing CD40 Ags [1].
  • Taken together, these results strongly support the idea that an abnormal immune response initiated by LC may participate in the pathogenesis of pulmonary LCH, and suggest that therapeutic strategies aimed at modifying the lymphostimulatory phenotype of LC may be useful in the treatment of this disorder [1].
  • For R = tBu, the ionic carbenium thiocyanates [LCH]+ SCN- dominate the product spectrum and the respective thioureas are obtained in low yield [7].
  • The left kidney of a rat was perfused either with 200 micrograms of Lens culinaris hemagglutinin (LCH) plus 1 mg of 6D1 (IgG1 fraction) (Group I and III) or with LCH only (Group II) through a cannula placed in the left renal artery [8].
  • The first major stride toward understanding LCH was taken when ultrastructural studies identified the proliferating cells as part of the Langerhans (dendritic) cell system [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of LCH

  • Etoposide should be seriously considered as therapy for patients with LCH in whom the toxicity/benefit ratio of steroid therapy is unacceptably high [10].

Biological context of LCH


Anatomical context of LCH

  • Moreover, the agreement concerning diagnostic criteria provides a solid foundation for current clinical trials and for laboratory research regarding the possible roles of the immune system, clonality, and cytokines in the etiology of LCH [9].
  • Descriptions of patients with LCH whose disease is confined to lymph nodes are rare [16].
  • At term, type a of Con A, type C of LCH and types Y and Z of PHA-E were the main subfractions in amniotic fluid, assumed to be produced by the fetal liver [13].
  • With combined use of concanavalin A (Con A) and lentil agglutinin (LCH) binding tests, AFPs were classified into three subtypes: benign hepatic condition type (six patients), hepatocellular carcinoma type (nine patients) and yolk sac type (12 patients) [17].
  • The mean initial leukocyte count was higher than in the non-HLH/LCH group (270,700 +/- 60,677 microl(-1) vs 134,141 +/- 5,663 microl(-1); p = 0.074) [18].

Associations of LCH with chemical compounds

  • Concanavalin A (Con A) and agglutinins from the pea (PSA), lentil (LCH), and fava bean (VFA) constitute a group of D-mannose/D-glucose binding legume lectins [11].
  • The hapten inhibition assay results reveal that the presence of a methyl or methylene group at the O-2 or O-3 position of the sugar is essential for hydrophobic interaction with PSA, LCH, and VFA [11].
  • Etoposide may become a "first-line" drug in the treatment of systemic LCH, especially when the side effects of steroid therapy are considered unacceptable [19].
  • Comparison of the hydrolysis of polyethylene terephthalate fibers by a hydrolase from Fusarium oxysporum LCH I and Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi [20].
  • The hydrolase from a newly isolated Fusarium oxysporum strain (LCH 1) was more efficient in releasing terephthalic acid from PET fibers compared to the enzyme from F. solani f. sp. pisi DSM 62420 when equal amounts of p-nitrophenyl butyrate-hydrolyzing activity were employed [20].

Regulatory relationships of LCH


Other interactions of LCH


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of LCH


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