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Radiation Protection

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Disease relevance of Radiation Protection


High impact information on Radiation Protection


Biological context of Radiation Protection


Anatomical context of Radiation Protection


Associations of Radiation Protection with chemical compounds


Gene context of Radiation Protection

  • Wearing away of the TP53 pathway by chronic exposure to radiation may have important implications for radiation protection [22].
  • An ICRU report entitled "Nuclear Data for Neutron and Proton Radiotherapy and for Radiation Protection" is in preparation [23].
  • A TLD reader incorporating the techniques of photon counting and dc methods has been developed for radiation dose measurements in the range of 10(-6) Gy (10(-2) Gy = 1 rad) to 100 Gy for varied applications in radiation protection and for dosimetry in medical physics [24].
  • The results indicate that the potential risk of radiogenic thyroid cancer is very small when proper radiation protection measures are used [25].
  • This paper discusses these requirements, methods for meeting them, the process used by the NRC to change its regulations, a proposed rule on release of patients who contain therapeutic radionuclides, and some commentary from the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements that medical licensees may find useful [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Radiation Protection


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