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Facial Expression

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Disease relevance of Facial Expression


Psychiatry related information on Facial Expression


High impact information on Facial Expression

  • Hoxb1, which is expressed throughout rhombomere 4 (r4), has been shown to be required for the specification of facial branchiomotor neuron progenitors that are programmed to innervate the muscles of facial expression [11].
  • Influence of the serotonin transporter promoter gene and shyness on children's cerebral responses to facial expressions [12].
  • Increased motivation for work was isolated as a target effect but such symptoms as facial expression, emotional rapport, and psychomotor activity also appeared to be improved by addition of protirelin to the neuroleptics [13].
  • The urofacial (Ochoa) syndrome (UFS) is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by congenital obstructive uropathy and abnormal facial expression [14].
  • Facial emotional expressions were rated with the Facial Action Coding System. The number of facial coverbal gestures (facial expressions that are tied to speech) and the number of words were calculated [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Facial Expression


Biological context of Facial Expression

  • In ten preterm infants (postconceptional age 27-35 weeks) facial expression and heart rate variability (HRV) were investigated during three situations: (a) the infant at rest in its crib or incubator, (b) provocation of the withdrawal flexor reflex by application of von Frey's hairs, and (c) lancing and squeezing for blood sampling [17].
  • In the present study, event-related potentials (ERP) were used to investigate the involvement and temporal dynamics of the frontal and parietal regions in the processing of angry facial expressions [18].

Anatomical context of Facial Expression


Associations of Facial Expression with chemical compounds


Gene context of Facial Expression

  • In Task 2, they evaluated target Japanese ideographs (while influenced by preceding positive or negative facial expressions as prime pictures) by pressing "positive" or "negative" buttons [26].
  • This study describes an observational system (modified infant pain scale, MIPS) with elements from a previously published observational scale and from assessments of video-recorded infant facial expressions [27].
  • Analyses revealed statistical significant reductions in P200 amplitudes for the angry facial expression on both frontal and parietal electrode sites [18].
  • When compared to studies of children in the general population, children with ADHD have deficits in their ability to accurately recognize facial expressions of emotion [28].
  • Categorical perception of happiness and fear facial expressions: an ERP study [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Facial Expression


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  19. Antidepressant drug treatment modifies the neural processing of nonconscious threat cues. Harmer, C.J., Mackay, C.E., Reid, C.B., Cowen, P.J., Goodwin, G.M. Biol. Psychiatry (2006) [Pubmed]
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  23. Facial expressions of emotion reveal neuroendocrine and cardiovascular stress responses. Lerner, J.S., Gonzalez, R.M., Dahl, R.E., Hariri, A.R., Taylor, S.E. Biol. Psychiatry (2005) [Pubmed]
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