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Chemical Compound Review

benzylacetate     3-phenylpropanoic acid

Synonyms: hydrocinnamate, CHEMBL851, PubChem8185, SureCN3419, AGN-PC-005JV4, ...
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Disease relevance of Benzylacetic acid


High impact information on Benzylacetic acid


Chemical compound and disease context of Benzylacetic acid


Biological context of Benzylacetic acid


Anatomical context of Benzylacetic acid


Associations of Benzylacetic acid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Benzylacetic acid

  • Sequence comparisons revealed that while hcaA1A2CD genes encode the four subunits of the 3-phenylpropionate dioxygenase, the hcaB gene codes for the corresponding cis-dihydrodiol dehydrogenase [23].
  • Optically active phenylpropanoic acid derivatives [(S)-5, and (R)-5] were prepared, and their affinities for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)alpha and PPAR gamma were evaluated [14].
  • Remarkably, the expression of hcaA in the presence of 3-phenylpropionate was sharply and transiently induced at the end of the exponential growth phase [24].
  • The effects of laser fluence on ion formation in MALDI were studied using a tandem TOF mass spectrometer with a Nd-YAG laser and alpha-cyano hydrocinnamic acid matrix [25].
  • PCI was the most effective inhibitor, with a K(i) in the nM region, and no inhibition was shown with 3-phenylpropionic acid [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Benzylacetic acid


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