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Chemical Compound Review

PHENYLACETIC ACID     potassium 2-phenylethanoate

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Disease relevance of 7188-16-1


Psychiatry related information on 7188-16-1


High impact information on 7188-16-1

  • Treatment of a patient deficient in carbamyl phosphate synthetase with benzoate or phenylacetic acid resulted in an increase in urinary nitrogen, which could be accounted for by the respective amino acid acylation product, hippurate or phenylacetylgultamine [11].
  • Diclofenac sodium, a phenylacetic acid-derived nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) recently released in the United States, was associated with the development of significant hepatitis in seven patients, with one associated death [12].
  • Authentic phenylacetic acid inhibited iNOS expression in a dose-dependent manner [2].
  • Although a recent report indicates that MHC expression influences the ratio of volatile compounds such as phenylacetic acid, so far no other means than studying the behavior of mice or rats has been available to assess odor types [13].
  • This catabolic pathway appears to be organized in three contiguous operons that contain the following functional units: (i) a transport system, (ii) a phenylacetic acid activating enzyme, (iii) a ring-hydroxylation complex, (iv) a ring-opening protein, (v) a beta-oxidation-like system, and (vi) two regulatory genes [3].

Chemical compound and disease context of 7188-16-1


Biological context of 7188-16-1


Anatomical context of 7188-16-1


Associations of 7188-16-1 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of 7188-16-1

  • Chronic kidney diseases are accompanied by the accumulation of substances like asymmetric dimethylarginine, phenylacetic acid, homocysteine, and advanced glycation end products, known to either inhibit endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) or uncouple it, consequently limiting the amount of available nitric oxide (NO) [31].
  • The expression of the divergently transcribed paaZ and paaABCDEFGHIJK catabolic operons, which are responsible for phenylacetic acid (PA) degradation in Escherichia coli, is driven by the Pz and Pa promoters, respectively [32].
  • Here we report that an engineered microbial cytochrome P450 BM-3 (CYP102A subfamily) efficiently catalyzes the alpha-hydroxylation of phenylacetic acid esters [33].
  • Effect of heterologous expression of phaG [(R)-3-hydroxyacyl-ACP-CoA transferase] on polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulation from the aromatic hydrocarbon phenylacetic acid in Pseudomonas species [34].
  • Purification and biochemical characterization of phenylacetyl-CoA ligase from Pseudomonas putida. A specific enzyme for the catabolism of phenylacetic acid [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of 7188-16-1


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