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Gene Review

Cpa1  -  carboxypeptidase A1, pancreatic

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 0910001L12Rik, Carboxypeptidase A1, Cpa
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Disease relevance of Cpa1

  • The Cpa1 and Cpa2 cyclophilin A proteins play a shared role in cell growth, mating, virulence and CsA toxicity [1].
  • In addition, endogenously activated CPA95 could effectively sensitize cells to MTX-Phe in culture, decreasing the IC50 of MTX-Phe from 25- to 250-fold in squamous cell carcinoma cells expressing active CPA as compared with the parental lines [2].

High impact information on Cpa1


Biological context of Cpa1

  • In a previous report, the ob mutation was mapped to a position 5 cM distal to Met on murine Chromosome (Chr) 6 in tight linkage to Cpa [7].
  • Toward an enzyme/prodrug strategy for cancer gene therapy: endogenous activation of carboxypeptidase A mutants by the PACE/Furin family of propeptidases [2].
  • The complete heavy-chain variable region (VH) amino acid sequence was obtained by automated Edman degradation of the intact chain and fragments due to CNBr cleavage, trypsin digestion, mild acid hydrolysis, and carboxypeptidase A digestion of a CNBr fragment [8].
  • The findings suggest that both FctA and Cpa are required for pilus formation, but importantly, an intact pilus is not essential for Cpa-mediated virulence [9].
  • Methoxypoly(ethylene glycol)-conjugated carboxypeptidase A for solid tumor targeting: part II: pharmacokinetics and biodistribution in normal and tumor-bearing rodents [10].

Anatomical context of Cpa1


Associations of Cpa1 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Cpa1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cpa1


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