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Chemical Compound Review

levulate     4-oxopentanoic acid

Synonyms: levulinate, laevulinate, LEVA, Levulinsaeure, g-Ketovalerate, ...
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Disease relevance of Acetopropionic acid

  • The crystal structure of the Mg2+-dependent PBGS from the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with the competitive inhibitor levulinic acid (LA) solved at 1.67 A resolution shows a homooctameric enzyme that consists of four asymmetric dimers [1].
  • The X-ray structure of the plant like 5-aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase from Chlorobium vibrioforme complexed with the inhibitor laevulinic acid at 2.6 A resolution [2].
  • Previous research showed that the heme-requiring human pathogen Haemophilus influenzae lacks the first six of the seven enzymes required for heme synthesis, starting with the precursor, 5-amino levulinic acid [3].
  • For PDT, delta-amino laevulinic acid at a dose of 60 mg/kg of body weight was intravenously administered 60 min before irradiation at 635 nm [4].
  • The recombinant Propionibacterium produced ALA at a maximum concentration of 8.6 mM in the absence of levulinic acid, an inhibitor of ALA dehydratase, with 1% glucose as a carbon source [5].

Psychiatry related information on Acetopropionic acid

  • Studies were carried out on the effects of temperature, acid concentration, liquid:solid ratio and reaction time on levulinic acid production from wheat straw using response surface methodology [6].

High impact information on Acetopropionic acid

  • In the presence of levulinic acid, an inhibitor of haem biosynthesis, apocytochrome c550 and aponitrite reductase (cytochrome cd1) accumulated in the periplasm of wild-type cells [7].
  • The active site contains two invariant lysine residues (200 and 253), one of which (Lys253) forms a Schiff base link with the bound substrate analogue, laevulinic acid [2].
  • Inconsistent changes were noted in erythrocyte delta-amino levulinic acid dehydratase, plasma alkaline ribonuclease and the serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes [8].
  • Adenosine immunolocalization was performed on frozen sections with an antibody against adenosine conjugated to laevulinic acid using a streptavidin peroxidase technique [9].
  • Finally, we succeeded in obtaining well-ordered crystals of P. aeruginosa PBGS complexed with the substrate analogue levulinic acid [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Acetopropionic acid


Biological context of Acetopropionic acid

  • A single molecule of LA binds to a mainly hydrophobic pocket in each monomer where it is covalently attached via a Schiff base to an active site lysine residue [1].
  • When levulinic acid was added to a growing culture of the cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Agmenellum quadruplicatum PR-6, delta-aminoelevulinic acid accumulated in the medium and chlorophyll a synthesis and cell growth were inhibited, but there was a small amount of c-phycocyanin synthesis [13].
  • Stimulation of Friend erythroleukemic cell cytodifferentiation by 5-amino levulinic acid; porphyrins, cell size, segregation of sialoglycoproteins, and nuclear translocation [14].
  • The equilibrium and kinetics of levulinic acid (LA) adsorption on two basic polymeric adsorbents, 335 (highly porous gel) and D315 (macroreticular), were investigated [15].
  • Growth and PHA accumulation enhancement were observed with concentrations of levulinic acid from 0.07 to 0.52% (w/v), producing dry cell biomass and P(3HB-co-3HV) yields of 9.5 and 4.2 g/L, respectively, at the 0.52% (w/v) concentration of levulinic acid [16].

Anatomical context of Acetopropionic acid

  • No differences were found in hepatic delta-amino levulinic acid dehydrase activity, or in the rate of oxygen uptake, ADP:O ratios or respiratory control index between mitochondria from normal and WMD lamb tissue on any of the treatments [17].
  • The photosensitizing agent 5-amino levulinic acid, converted in vivo into the photoactive derivative protoporphyrin IX, sensitizes the mucosa much more than the underlying layers [18].
  • The recombinant P. freudenreichii accumulated 18.8 mmol/g cells ALA in the presence of 1 mM levulinic acid and 30 mM glycine [5].
  • Changes in several biologic indexes (depression of delta-amino levulinic acid dehydratase in kidney and red blood cells, presence of renal intranuclear inclusion bodies, and increased kidney weight) confirmed lead-poisoning in urban rats [19].
  • Radiolabeled phycocyanin and allophycocyanin were isolated from protoplast preparations which had been incubated with L-[U-14]leucine or delta-amino[4-14C] levulinic acid (a precursor of phycocyanobilin) [20].

Associations of Acetopropionic acid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Acetopropionic acid

  • In our analyses, 2-methyl-1-pyrroline and laevulinic acid were identified by HPLC and mass spectroscopic analysis, and ammonia was identified by means of glutamate dehydrogenase [26].
  • In this aerobic yeast, cytochrome c+c1 is the most sensitive to levulinic acid, and cytochrome b exhibits intermediate sensitivity [27].
  • Induction of cytochrome P-450 was accompanied by induction of delta-amino levulinic acid synthetase in lung and inhibition of heme oxygenase in both lung and liver [28].
  • It is emphasized that the U.K. favours blood lead estimation, the EEC countries other than Britain use blood lead but are considering more widespread use of delta-amino laevulinic acid dehydratase estimation in blood [29].
  • Levulinic acid (LA; 30 mM) was fed to the fermentation broth at the end of the exponential cell growth phase (about 8 h), and the intracellular activity of ALA dehydratase was efficaciously suppressed [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Acetopropionic acid


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