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Disease relevance of Phosphamide mustard


High impact information on Phosphamide mustard

  • Nevertheless, both control and CY-treated AML cells demonstrated similar dose-dependent sensitivity to 100 to 500 mumol/L phosphoramide mustard (PhM), the active alkylating end-product of CY activation in vivo [6].
  • BG had no effect on 4hydroperoxydidechlorocyclophosphamide (which generates acrolein and a nonalkylating form of PM) in CHO cells and CHOMIK cells, but enhancement of toxicity was observed with PM in both these cell lines [1].
  • CHO cells transduced with wild-type human AGT (CHO(AGT)) and pcDNA3 (CHOpcDNA3) were treated with activated cyclophosphamide derivatives, 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide (4-HC), 4-hydroperoxydidechlorocyclophosphamide (4-HDC), a progenitor of acrolein, and phosphoramide mustard (PM) [7].
  • The present study demonstrates that AGT plays an important role in protecting against the toxic and mutagenic effect of cyclophosphamide and suggests that acrolein, not PM, is responsible for generating the toxic and mutagenic lesion(s) protected by the AGT protein [7].
  • Plasma 4-(p-nitrobenzyl)pyridine activity was found to correlate the closest with PM profiles, with respect to both standard pharmacokinetic parameters and AUC values [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Phosphamide mustard


Biological context of Phosphamide mustard


Anatomical context of Phosphamide mustard


Associations of Phosphamide mustard with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Phosphamide mustard

  • Furthermore, two interspecific hybrids derived from UV41, both of which retained the region of human chromosome 16 that harbors the ERCC4 gene, displayed essentially wild-type resistance to 4HC and PM, confirming the importance of ERCC4 for the repair of 4HC-induced DNA damage [25].
  • To confirm the importance of the ERCC1 gene for cellular resistance to 4HC and PM, UV20 cells were transfected with the human ERCC1 gene and subsequently exposed to 4HC and PM [25].
  • RESULTS: The rank ordering of sensitivity to both 4HC and PM, based on the combined survival data, was UV41/UV4/UV20 > > UV61/UV24/UV135/EM9 > or = UV5 approximately AA8 [25].
  • Similarly, the inhibition of proliferation was probably not related to endogenous IL-2 levels: addition of exogenous IL-2 to PM-containing cultures did not result in any restoration of proliferation [26].
  • Thus, concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocytes still acquired IL-2 receptors (Tac antigen) normally in the presence of PM (10(-6) to 10(-9) M) [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Phosphamide mustard


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