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Gene Review

ERCC4  -  excision repair cross-complementation group 4

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: DNA excision repair protein ERCC-4, DNA repair endonuclease XPF, DNA repair protein complementing XP-F cells, ERCC11, FANCQ, ...
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Disease relevance of ERCC4


High impact information on ERCC4

  • Telomere loss in these mice was mediated by XPF, a structure-specific nuclease involved in ultraviolet-induced damage repair and mutated in individuals with xeroderma pigmentosum [6].
  • The XPF protein was purified from mammalian cells in a tight complex with ERCC1 [7].
  • Ultraviolet light-induced DNA damage caused a transient dose-dependent immobilization of ERCC1/XPF, likely due to engagement of the complex in a single repair event [8].
  • The XPF/Mus81 structure-specific endonucleases cleave double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) within asymmetric branched DNA substrates and play an essential role in nucleotide excision repair, recombination and genome integrity [9].
  • We identify two nonequivalent DNA-binding sites and propose a model in which XPF distorts the 3' flap substrate in order to engage both binding sites and promote strand cleavage [9].

Biological context of ERCC4

  • The ERCC4 gene, assigned to chromosome 16p13.1-p13.2, was previously isolated by using a chromosome 16 cosmid library [10].
  • The considerable identity (40%) between ERCC4 and MEI-9 suggests a possible involvement of ERCC4 in meiosis [10].
  • XRCC3,XRCC1, ERCC4, and XPD-ERCC1 haplotype frequencies were estimated by the maximum likelihood method [11].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm the general pattern indicating that the ERCC1 and ERCC4 gene products are crucial for the repair of 4HC-induced DNA damage, while the other nucleotide excision repair genes examined are relatively unimportant [2].
  • Furthermore, two interspecific hybrids derived from UV41, both of which retained the region of human chromosome 16 that harbors the ERCC4 gene, displayed essentially wild-type resistance to 4HC and PM, confirming the importance of ERCC4 for the repair of 4HC-induced DNA damage [2].

Anatomical context of ERCC4


Associations of ERCC4 with chemical compounds

  • In GSH-depleted cells, the down-regulation of ERCC1 expression by H(2)O(2) was completely abolished and the up-regulation of ERCC4 expression was potentiated from 2.5-fold to >10-fold [15].
  • The XPF and ERCC1 proteins form a tight complex and function as an endonuclease to incise on the 5'-side of pyrimidine dimers in DNA [16].
  • XPF extracts are highly defective in the stimulation of repair synthesis by N:-acetoxy-N:- acetylaminofluorene, but are proficient in the stimulation of DNA synthesis by psoralen interstrand crosslinks [17].
  • In addition, the survival of normal cells after chrysotile exposure increases with time if they are kept from replicating, while the survival of XPF cells under the same circumstances does not change [18].
  • XP-F cells showed somewhat higher sensitivity to formaldehyde, possibly signaling participation of XPF protein in the removal of residual peptide-DNA adducts [19].

Physical interactions of ERCC4

  • We have made a replication-defective adenovirus, AdCMV-FlagXPA(59-114), that expresses a truncated form of XPA encompassing amino acids 59-114 sufficient for binding to the excision repair cross-complementing protein 1 (ERCC1)/xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group F (XPF) nuclease essential for making an incision 5' of the damage [20].

Regulatory relationships of ERCC4

  • Although XP-F cells are sensitive to UV and mitomycin C (MMC), cells overexpressing XPF expressed ERCC1 as well and resistance to UV and MMC was restored to the normal level [16].
  • Here we report that TRF2-induced telomere shortening is abrogated in human cells deficient in XPF, demonstrating that XPF-ERCC1 is required for TRF2-promoted telomere shortening [21].

Other interactions of ERCC4

  • Both XPE and XPF proteins have functions separate from their role in NER, but the exact nature of these functions has not yet been established [22].
  • Such dispersal requires functional XPA, XPF and XPG proteins [23].
  • Reduced levels of XPA, ERCC1 and XPF DNA repair proteins in testis tumor cell lines [12].
  • Compared with the controls, the cases had lower expression levels for all the NER proteins, particularly XPC and XPF, which were reduced by about 25% (P<0.01) [24].
  • The PCNA-XPF complex acts as a structure-specific nuclease on a similar range of DNA flap, bubble and junction substrates as the human protein, suggesting a fundamental conservation through billions of years of evolution [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ERCC4


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