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Gene Review

A1BG  -  alpha-1-B glycoprotein

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: A1B, ABG, Alpha-1-B glycoprotein, Alpha-1B-glycoprotein, GAB, ...
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Disease relevance of A1BG

  • For clues on linkage relationships of human A1B, the previously known linkages of A1B in pigs and horses, including the one between A1B and the gene that determines susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia in pigs were discussed [1].
  • Success of noninvasive support was defined as the presence of (1) improvement in ABG parameters, (2) clinical improvement and decrease in evident dyspnea, and (3) avoidance of endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation [2].
  • The ABG I cementless hip prosthesis has demonstrated unacceptably high rates of wear and osteolysis in our patients [3].
  • A hidden cause of angina pectoris: when ABG analysis is the only helpful diagnostic tool [4].
  • But the difficulties in finding the real bone conduction threshold levels, which ABG shapes depend on, lead us first to explain the mechanism of the various dips and notches altering bone conduction curves; and second, to try to find a safe and sure method for precise evaluation of the real cochlear reserve in otospongiosis/otosclerosis [5].

High impact information on A1BG


Chemical compound and disease context of A1BG

  • High osteolysis and revision rate with the hydroxyapatite-coated ABG hip prostheses: 65 hips in 56 young patients followed for 5-9 years [11].
  • CONCLUSIONS: There is a significant correlation in pH, PCO2, PO2, BE, and HCO3 among ABG, VBG, and CBG values, except for a poor correlation in PO2 in the presence of hypotension [12].

Biological context of A1BG

  • alpha 1B-glycoprotein (A1BG) polymorphism was examined in a Danish family material (no. 604-1505) with particular regard to markers on chromosome 19 [13].
  • Family data supported the hypothesis that the three alpha 1B phenotypes are determined by two codominant alleles at an autosomal locus, designated A1B [1].
  • Genetic polymorphism of plasma alpha 1 B-glycoprotein and transferrin in arctic and silver foxes [14].
  • CONCLUSION: The so-called hallmarks of gastric autoimmunity, particularly in intrinsic factor antibody cannot be usefully employed in defining an autoimmune pattern in the clinical presentations of ABG [15].
  • Further studies of the plasma alpha 1 B-glycoprotein polymorphism: two new alleles and allele frequencies in Caucasians and in American blacks [16].

Anatomical context of A1BG

  • A2 and A2B erythrocytes are agglutinated by it considerably more strongly than A1 and A1B respectively [17].
  • ABG within 20 dB was achieved in 57% of the ears if stapes was intact and in 52% if crura were missing [18].
  • Arterial samples for estimation of blood gases (ABG) were taken just before and 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, and 90 min after the pleura was opened [19].
  • In 6 patients including the individual with complete incus luxation, postoperative ABG was less than 10 dB [20].
  • The ABG components showed significantly better fit than the Osteolock components at the levels proximal to the lesser trochanter [21].

Associations of A1BG with chemical compounds


Other interactions of A1BG

  • Two other GH-regulated genes, cytochrome P450 2C12 (CYP2C12) and a rat homologue to the human alpha1B-glycoprotein (A1BG), were quantified by RNase protection assays and found to be down-regulated, confirming the antagonistic property of 1 compound [27].
  • Two new alleles (A1 B*3 and A1 B*4) of human plasma alpha 1 B-glycoprotein (alpha 1 B) were reported. alpha 1 B phenotyping was done by using either a simple method of two-dimensional (2-D) agarose gel-horizontal polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) followed by protein staining or by one-dimensional horizontal PAGE and immunoblotting [16].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of A1BG

  • We demonstrate that CRISP-3 is a specific and high-affinity ligand of A1BG with a dissociation constant in the nanomolar range as evidenced by surface plasmon resonance [10].
  • Medium-term results of the ABG total hip arthroplasty in young patients [28].
  • INTERPRETATION: While the results on the femoral side were good, the survival rates of the acetabular cups were poor and we stopped using ABG I hip prostheses [11].
  • A total of 66 patients (71 hips) <65 years old (average age, 55.4 years; range, 26-65 years) received a proximally hydroxyapatite-coated femoral prosthesis with a hemispheric metal-backed, hydroxyapatite-coated acetabular cup (ABG hip, Howmedica International, Staines, UK), with an average follow-up of 4.8 years (range, 2-7 years) [28].
  • The average ABG values at 500 and 1000 Hz were also statistically significantly improved with the titanium bell PORP ( P<.05) [29].


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