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Gene Review

Fosl2  -  fos-like antigen 2

Mus musculus

Synonyms: FRA-2, Fos-related antigen 2, Fra-2, Fra2
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Disease relevance of Fosl2


High impact information on Fosl2

  • This proliferative defect is associated with the markedly reduced induction of c-jun, c-fos, Fra-2 and FosB following activation of the CREBA119 transgenic thymocytes [4].
  • We have investigated the ability of Fos/Jun (a transcriptional activator involved in the signal transduction pathway) to interact with its cognate binding site located in the promoter region of the mouse fos-related antigen-2 (fra-2) promoter, when this site was reconstituted into a nucleosome [5].
  • This was associated with marked suppression of the nocturnal increase in fra-2 mRNA and protein levels, indicating that DNF2 expression inhibits downstream effects of Fra-2, including the maintenance of high levels of fra-2 gene expression [6].
  • In contrast, expression of Fra-1, Fra-2, and JunB and optimal expression of c-Jun are observed only with doses of LPA which induce sustained MAPK activation and DNA synthesis [7].
  • The coll2a1-Cre, Fosl2f/f mice die between 10 and 25 days after birth, are growth retarded and display smaller growth plates similar to Fosl2-/- embryos [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Fosl2


Biological context of Fosl2


Anatomical context of Fosl2

  • Hence, Fra2 is a novel transcription factor important for skeletogenesis by affecting chondrocyte differentiation [8].
  • In addition, hypertrophic differentiation and ossification of primordial arches of the developing vertebrae are delayed in Fra2-deficient embryos [8].
  • The mouse Fra-2 protein showed 94% and 87.5% conservation with human and chicken Fra-2, respectively, and mouse Fra-2, like the chicken homolog, induced transformation of chicken embryo fibroblasts [12].
  • Opposing activities of c-Fos and Fra-2 on AP-1 regulated transcriptional activity in mouse keratinocytes induced to differentiate by calcium and phorbol esters [13].
  • Cyclic AMP stimulates a JunD/Fra-2 AP-1 complex and inhibits the proliferation of interleukin-6-dependent cell lines [11].

Associations of Fosl2 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Fosl2

  • Supershift EMSA revealed that VT preferentially induced JunB, JunD, phosphorylated c-Jun, c-Fos, and Fra-2 binding activities of the AP-1 family [18].

Regulatory relationships of Fosl2

  • MEKK1 regulates the AP-1 dimer repertoire via control of JunB transcription and Fra-2 protein stability [19].
  • Our findings suggest that upon onset of follicular recruitment, CREB-1 mediates FSH/cAMP signaling, which switches to cAMP-independent expression of P450scc in luteinizing granulosa cells expressing Fra-2 [20].

Other interactions of Fosl2

  • Fra-1 showed essentially the same transcriptional regulatory properties as Fra-2 [21].
  • Interestingly, this suppressive effect of Fra-2 was not observed in the combination with JunD: fra-2 plus junD, like c-fos plus junD, had higher transcriptional activity than junD alone [21].
  • AP-1 protein in nuclear extracts of MC3T3-E1 cells was increased with PTH treatment at 3 h and consisted of high levels of Fra-2 protein, as evidenced by a supershift in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay and Western blot analysis [22].
  • In contrast, expression of c-Jun, Fra-1, Fra-2, and CREB mRNA was not affected by T3 [23].
  • However, protein complexes from AtT-20 nuclear extracts that bound the GR AP-1 site were supershifted by JunD, JunB, cJun, and Fra-2 specific antibodies [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fosl2


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  2. Long-term induction of Fos-related antigen-2 after methamphetamine-, methylenedioxymethamphetamine-, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3, 6-tetrahydropyridine- and trimethyltin-induced brain injury. Pennypacker, K.R., Yang, X., Gordon, M.N., Benkovic, S., Miller, D., O'Callaghan, J.P. Neuroscience (2000) [Pubmed]
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  20. Transcriptional Regulation of the Cholesterol Side Chain Cleavage Cytochrome P450 Gene (CYP11A1) Revisited: Binding of GATA, Cyclic Adenosine 3',5'-Monophosphate Response Element-Binding Protein and Activating Protein (AP)-1 Proteins to a Distal Novel Cluster of cis-Regulatory Elements Potentiates AP-2 and Steroidogenic Factor-1-Dependent Gene Expression in the Rodent Placenta and Ovary. Sher, N., Yivgi-Ohana, N., Orly, J. Mol. Endocrinol. (2007) [Pubmed]
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