Gene Review:
Fosl1 - fos-like antigen 1
Mus musculus
AW538199, FRA-1, Fos-related antigen 1, Fra1, fra-1
- Fosl1 is a transcriptional target of c-Fos during osteoclast differentiation. Matsuo, K., Owens, J.M., Tonko, M., Elliott, C., Chambers, T.J., Wagner, E.F. Nat. Genet. (2000)
- Reduced expression of thrombospondins and craniofacial dysmorphism in mice overexpressing fra1. Nishiwaki, T., Yamaguchi, T., Zhao, C., Amano, H., Kurt, D.H., Bornstein, P., Toyama, Y., Matsuo, K. J. Bone Miner. Res. (2006)
- Fra-1 induces morphological transformation and increases in vitro invasiveness and motility of epithelioid adenocarcinoma cells. Kustikova, O., Kramerov, D., Grigorian, M., Berezin, V., Bock, E., Lukanidin, E., Tulchinsky, E. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1998)
- Increased bone formation and osteosclerosis in mice overexpressing the transcription factor Fra-1. Jochum, W., David, J.P., Elliott, C., Wutz, A., Plenk, H., Matsuo, K., Wagner, E.F. Nat. Med. (2000)
- The Fos-related antigen Fra-1 is an activator of bone matrix formation. Eferl, R., Hoebertz, A., Schilling, A.F., Rath, M., Karreth, F., Kenner, L., Amling, M., Wagner, E.F. EMBO J. (2004)
- Analysis of the role of Amh and Fra1 in the Sry regulatory pathway. Jeske, Y.W., Mishina, Y., Cohen, D.R., Behringer, R.R., Koopman, P. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (1996)
- Distinct functions of junD in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Ricci, R., Eriksson, U., Oudit, G.Y., Eferl, R., Akhmedov, A., Sumara, I., Sumara, G., Kassiri, Z., David, J.P., Bakiri, L., Sasse, B., Idarraga, M.H., Rath, M., Kurz, D., Theussl, H.C., Perriard, J.C., Backx, P., Penninger, J.M., Wagner, E.F. Genes Dev. (2005)
- Fra-1 replaces c-Fos-dependent functions in mice. Fleischmann, A., Hafezi, F., Elliott, C., Remé, C.E., Rüther, U., Wagner, E.F. Genes Dev. (2000)
- Fra-1 substitutes for c-Fos in AP-1-mediated signal transduction in retinal apoptosis. Wenzel, A., Iseli, H.P., Fleischmann, A., Hafezi, F., Grimm, C., Wagner, E.F., Remé, C.E. J. Neurochem. (2002)
- SRY protein enhances transcription of Fos-related antigen 1 promoter constructs. Cohen, D.R., Sinclair, A.H., McGovern, J.D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1994)
- Attenuated expression of the serum responsive T1 gene in ras transformed fibroblasts due to the inhibition of c-fos gene activity. Kessler, R., Zacharova-Albinger, A., Laursen, N.B., Kalousek, M., Klemenz, R. Oncogene (1999)
- Dual role for mitogen-activated protein kinase (Erk) in insulin-dependent regulation of Fra-1 (fos-related antigen-1) transcription and phosphorylation. Hurd, T.W., Culbert, A.A., Webster, K.J., Tavaré, J.M. Biochem. J. (2002)
- Inhibition of activator protein 1 activity and cell growth by purified green tea and black tea polyphenols in H-ras-transformed cells: structure-activity relationship and mechanisms involved. Chung, J.Y., Huang, C., Meng, X., Dong, Z., Yang, C.S. Cancer Res. (1999)
- Nicotine withdrawal up-regulates c-Fos transcription in pheochromocytoma cells. Ichino, N., Ishiguro, H., Yamada, K., Nishii, K., Sawada, H., Nagatsu, T. Neurosci. Res. (1999)
- The gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and glutathione regulate asbestos-induced expression of activator protein-1 family members and activity. Shukla, A., Flanders, T., Lounsbury, K.M., Mossman, B.T. Cancer Res. (2004)
- Isolation and characterization of murine fra-1: induction mediated by CD40 and surface Ig is protein kinase C dependent. Huo, L., Rothstein, T.L. J. Immunol. (1996)
- Transformation by ras modifies AP1 composition and activity. Mechta, F., Lallemand, D., Pfarr, C.M., Yaniv, M. Oncogene (1997)
- Antitumor promotion by phenolic antioxidants: inhibition of AP-1 activity through induction of Fra expression. Yoshioka, K., Deng, T., Cavigelli, M., Karin, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1995)
- DEP-induced fra-1 expression correlates with a distinct activation of AP-1-dependent gene transcription in the lung. Zhang, Q., Kleeberger, S.R., Reddy, S.P. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. (2004)
- Rapid effects of triiodothyronine on immediate-early gene expression in Schwann cells. Mercier, G., Turque, N., Schumacher, M. Glia (2001)
- Transactivation of Fra-1 and consequent activation of AP-1 occur extracellular signal-regulated kinase dependently. Young, M.R., Nair, R., Bucheimer, N., Tulsian, P., Brown, N., Chapp, C., Hsu, T.C., Colburn, N.H. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2002)
- Placental vascularisation requires the AP-1 component fra1. Schreiber, M., Wang, Z.Q., Jochum, W., Fetka, I., Elliott, C., Wagner, E.F. Development (2000)
- The transcription factor Fos-related antigen 1 is induced by thiazolidinediones during differentiation of 3T3-L1 cells. Albrektsen, T., Fleckner, J. Mol. Pharmacol. (2001)
- Distribution of Fos- and Jun-related proteins and activator protein-1 composite factors in mouse brain induced by neuroleptics. Ozaki, T., Katsumoto, E., Mui, K., Furutsuka, D., Yamagami, S. Neuroscience (1998)
- A highly conserved enhancer in mammalian type X collagen genes drives high levels of tissue-specific expression in hypertrophic cartilage in vitro and in vivo. Gebhard, S., Pöschl, E., Riemer, S., Bauer, E., Hattori, T., Eberspaecher, H., Zhang, Z., Lefebvre, V., de Crombrugghe, B., von der Mark, K. Matrix Biol. (2004)