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Gene Review

Fosl2  -  fos-like antigen 2

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: FRA-2, Fos-related antigen 2, Fra-2, Fra2
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Psychiatry related information on Fosl2


High impact information on Fosl2


Biological context of Fosl2


Anatomical context of Fosl2

  • Fos-related antigen 2 controls protein kinase A-induced CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta expression in osteoblasts [4].
  • Withdrawal studies demonstrated robust induction of several known acute Fras, including c-Fos, FosB, Fra-1, Fra-2, and delta FosB, at 6 hr after naltrexone precipitation of withdrawal in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, and several other brain regions [10].
  • These data show that pineal AP-1 binding activity, which results from Fra-2 expression, can be modulated by light and serotonin through the suprachiasmatic nucleus according to a "phase dependence" that is characteristic of the rhythm of clock sensitivity to both zeitgebers [11].
  • JunB, c-Jun, c-Fos, and Fra2 were rapidly but transiently induced by FSH in immature granulosa cells [12].
  • Fra-2 and JunD are found in mature osteoclasts as well [13].

Associations of Fosl2 with chemical compounds

  • By contrast, OA and dbcAMP equally stimulated the accumulation of the mRNAs of Fra-2 and JunB [6].
  • Therefore, the regulatory role of pineal serine/threonine phosphatases in adrenergically stimulated AA-NAT expression probably does not depend on ICER or Fra-2 [14].
  • Consistent with these findings, over-expression of Fra-2 significantly increased C/EBPbeta promoter activity in PGE2-induced osteoblasts, whereas expression of Fra-2 lacking its activation domain had a dominant negative inhibitory effect [4].
  • Exposure to light during subjective night and administration of a serotonin 5-HT(1A)/5-HT(7) receptor agonist during subjective day, respectively, induced a 50% decrease and a 50% increase in both AP-1 and Fra-2 expression [11].
  • JunD and Fra2 were induced by LH and maintained as granulosa cells terminally differentiated into luteal cells [12].

Physical interactions of Fosl2

  • Together, these results demonstrate that TGF-beta 1 responsiveness of the rat osteocalcin gene in ROS 17/2.8 cells is mediated through an activator protein-1 like cis-acting element that interacts with Fra-2 [15].
  • These findings suggest that prolonged alterations in Fra-2 and subsequent increases in Fra-2/JunD binding to AP-1 and CREB response elements common among many gene promoters could serve to trigger broadly an NGF-specific program of gene expression [16].

Enzymatic interactions of Fosl2

  • Our results demonstrate that Fra-2 is hyperphosphorylated upon TGF-beta 1 treatment of ROS 17/2.8 cells [15].

Regulatory relationships of Fosl2


Other interactions of Fosl2

  • Studies are presented that indicate this 42/46-kDa Fra is Fra-2, a poorly understood member of the Fos family of transcription factors [17].
  • This set of observations extends the number of pineal genes that are known to be regulated by Fra-2, and also provides the first indication that a member of the NGFI-B group of nuclear receptors is involved in controlling gene expression in the pineal gland [18].
  • Repeated IMO triggered increased phosphorylation and levels of CREB along with transient induction of c-Fos and increased Fra-2 expression [19].
  • While in the caudate-putamen the increase in AP-1 DNA binding was mainly due to an elevation of the c-Fos and FosB proteins, the same phenomenon depended on the FosB, Fra-1 and Fra-2 peptides in the cingulate cortex [20].
  • Pretreatment of rats with the AT(1) receptor antagonist candesartan for 14 days prior to isolation completely prevented the stress-induced stimulation of catecholamine synthesis, decreasing tyrosine hydroxylase transcription by preventing the expression of the transcriptional factor, Fos-related antigen 2 (Fra-2) [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fosl2

  • Both Fra-2 mRNA and protein are absent during the day and increase robustly at night on a circadian basis; organ culture studies indicate that regulation is mediated by an adrenergic-->cyclic AMP mechanism [17].
  • Fra-2 cDNA generated from rat osteoblasts by reverse transcriptase PCR was 95% homologous to human Fra-2, and PGE2 rapidly induced Fra-2 mRNA and protein expression [4].
  • Supershift EMSA and Western blot studies identified JunD, Fra2, and FosB as potential components of the HMAP-1 [22].
  • Differential expression of fos-related antigen-2 and growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein-45 were further confirmed at the protein level by immunohistochemistry [23].
  • In contrast, transcripts of fos-related antigen-2, growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein-45, and signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 were significantly increased in the LPs of T + E2-treated animals, but the increases were reversed by cotreatment with ICI [23].


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