Gene Review:
Robo1 - roundabout homolog 1 (Drosophila)
Mus musculus
AW494633, AW742721, DUTT1, Dutt1, Gm310, ...
- Inadequate lung development and bronchial hyperplasia in mice with a targeted deletion in the Dutt1/Robo1 gene. Xian, J., Clark, K.J., Fordham, R., Pannell, R., Rabbitts, T.H., Rabbitts, P.H. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2001)
- Targeted disruption of the 3p12 gene, Dutt1/Robo1, predisposes mice to lung adenocarcinomas and lymphomas with methylation of the gene promoter. Xian, J., Aitchison, A., Bobrow, L., Corbett, G., Pannell, R., Rabbitts, T., Rabbitts, P. Cancer Res. (2004)
- Gene expression signatures identify novel regulatory pathways during murine lung development: implications for lung tumorigenesis. Bonner, A.E., Lemon, W.J., You, M. J. Med. Genet. (2003)
- Activation of the repulsive receptor Roundabout inhibits N-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. Rhee, J., Mahfooz, N.S., Arregui, C., Lilien, J., Balsamo, J., VanBerkum, M.F. Nat. Cell Biol. (2002)
- Robo1 regulates the development of major axon tracts and interneuron migration in the forebrain. Andrews, W., Liapi, A., Plachez, C., Camurri, L., Zhang, J., Mori, S., Murakami, F., Parnavelas, J.G., Sundaresan, V., Richards, L.J. Development (2006)
- Slit1 is specifically expressed in the primary and secondary enamel knots during molar tooth cusp formation. Løes, S., Luukko, K., Kvinnsland, I.H., Kettunen, P. Mech. Dev. (2001)
- Slit and robo: expression patterns in lung development. Anselmo, M.A., Dalvin, S., Prodhan, P., Komatsuzaki, K., Aidlen, J.T., Schnitzer, J.J., Wu, J.Y., Kinane, T.B. Gene Expr. Patterns (2003)
- Temporal and spatial expression of two isoforms of the Dutt1/Robo1 gene in mouse development. Clark, K., Hammond, E., Rabbitts, P. FEBS Lett. (2002)
- Lactosaminoglycan assembly, cell surface expression, and release by mouse uterine epithelial cells. Dutt, A., Carson, D.D. J. Biol. Chem. (1990)
- Estrogen influences dolichyl phosphate distribution among glycolipid pools in mouse uteri. Carson, D.D., Tang, J.P., Hu, G. Biochemistry (1987)
- Expression of the vertebrate Slit gene family and their putative receptors, the Robo genes, in the developing murine kidney. Piper, M., Georgas, K., Yamada, T., Little, M. Mech. Dev. (2000)
- Rig-1 a new member of Robo family genes exhibits distinct pattern of expression during mouse development. Camurri, L., Mambetisaeva, E., Sundaresan, V. Gene Expr. Patterns (2004)
- Slit and robo expression in the developing mouse lung. Greenberg, J.M., Thompson, F.Y., Brooks, S.K., Shannon, J.M., Akeson, A.L. Dev. Dyn. (2004)
- Robo4 is a vascular-specific receptor that inhibits endothelial migration. Park, K.W., Morrison, C.M., Sorensen, L.K., Jones, C.A., Rao, Y., Chien, C.B., Wu, J.Y., Urness, L.D., Li, D.Y. Dev. Biol. (2003)
- Dynamic expression patterns of Robo (Robo1 and Robo2) in the developing murine central nervous system. Sundaresan, V., Mambetisaeva, E., Andrews, W., Annan, A., Knöll, B., Tear, G., Bannister, L. J. Comp. Neurol. (2004)