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Gene Review

EPAS1  -  endothelial PAS domain protein 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: BHLHE73, Basic-helix-loop-helix-PAS protein MOP2, Class E basic helix-loop-helix protein 73, ECYT4, EPAS-1, ...
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Disease relevance of EPAS1


High impact information on EPAS1


Chemical compound and disease context of EPAS1


Biological context of EPAS1

  • Together, these data demonstrate Src family kinases mediate the hypoxia-mediated EPAS1 gene expression, which in turn positively autoregulates its own expression [1].
  • Transient transfection assays revealed that EPAS1 increased PAI-1 gene transcription through a sequence containing 5'-CACGTACA-3' located at -194 (we refer to it as site HREPAI-1) and GT-box located at -78 [10].
  • Electrophoretic gel mobility shift assays revealed that HREPAI-1 serves as a binding site for EPAS1, and Sp1 constitutively binds to GT-box [10].
  • Transient transfection assays revealed that forced expression of EPAS1 increased the reporter gene activity driven by EPAS1 promoter as well as by VEGF promoter [1].
  • These observations are consistent with transactivation by EPAS1 of the expression of its putative target genes during embryogenesis, suggesting that this transcription factor is involved in human angiogenesis [11].

Anatomical context of EPAS1


Associations of EPAS1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of EPAS1

  • CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that endogenous VEGF can be up-regulated transcriptionally by EPAS1, and EPAS1 may be involved in the angiogenesis of RCC [12].
  • In conclusion, PAI-1 expression is induced by EPAS1 through HREPAI-1 and through an Sp1-binding site [10].
  • The results indicate that the direct interaction of Int6 induces proteasome inhibitor-sensitive HIF-2 alpha degradation [17].

Other interactions of EPAS1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of EPAS1


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