Gene Review:
Sox17 - SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 17
Mus musculus
Sox-17, Transcription factor SOX-17
- Identification of two Sox17 messenger RNA isoforms, with and without the high mobility group box region, and their differential expression in mouse spermatogenesis. Kanai, Y., Kanai-Azuma, M., Noce, T., Saido, T.C., Shiroishi, T., Hayashi, Y., Yazaki, K. J. Cell Biol. (1996)
- Global analysis of the transcriptional network controlling Xenopus endoderm formation. Sinner, D., Kirilenko, P., Rankin, S., Wei, E., Howard, L., Kofron, M., Heasman, J., Woodland, H.R., Zorn, A.M. Development (2006)
- Identification of an enhancer that controls up-regulation of fibronectin during differentiation of embryonic stem cells into extraembryonic endoderm. Shirai, T., Miyagi, S., Horiuchi, D., Okuda-Katayanagi, T., Nishimoto, M., Muramatsu, M., Sakamoto, Y., Nagata, M., Hagiwara, K., Okuda, A. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Sox17 influences the differentiation of respiratory epithelial cells. Park, K.S., Wells, J.M., Zorn, A.M., Wert, S.E., Whitsett, J.A. Dev. Biol. (2006)
- Identification of Sox17 as a transcription factor that regulates oligodendrocyte development. Sohn, J., Natale, J., Chew, L.J., Belachew, S., Cheng, Y., Aguirre, A., Lytle, J., Nait-Oumesmar, B., Kerninon, C., Kanai-Azuma, M., Kanai, Y., Gallo, V. J. Neurosci. (2006)
- Regionalization of cell fates and cell movement in the endoderm of the mouse gastrula and the impact of loss of Lhx1(Lim1) function. Tam, P.P., Khoo, P.L., Wong, N., Tsang, T.E., Behringer, R.R. Dev. Biol. (2004)
- Molecular cloning and expression of Sox17 in gonads during sex reversal in the rice field eel, a teleost fish with a characteristic of natural sex transformation. Wang, R., Cheng, H., Xia, L., Guo, Y., Huang, X., Zhou, R. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2003)
- SOX7 and SOX17 regulate the parietal endoderm-specific enhancer activity of mouse laminin alpha1 gene. Niimi, T., Hayashi, Y., Futaki, S., Sekiguchi, K. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- Redundant roles of Sox17 and Sox18 in postnatal angiogenesis in mice. Matsui, T., Kanai-Azuma, M., Hara, K., Matoba, S., Hiramatsu, R., Kawakami, H., Kurohmaru, M., Koopman, P., Kanai, Y. J. Cell. Sci. (2006)
- The Sox-13 gene: structure, promoter characterization, and chromosomal localization. Roose, J., Korver, W., de Boer, R., Kuipers, J., Hurenkamp, J., Clevers, H. Genomics (1999)