Gene Review:
Lhx1 - LIM homeobox protein 1
Mus musculus
Homeobox protein Lim-1, LIM/homeobox protein Lhx1, Lim-1, Lim1
- Lim 1 is required for nephric duct extension and ureteric bud morphogenesis. Pedersen, A., Skjong, C., Shawlot, W. Dev. Biol. (2005)
- Isolated cleft palate in mice with a targeted mutation of the LIM homeobox gene lhx8. Zhao, Y., Guo, Y.J., Tomac, A.C., Taylor, N.R., Grinberg, A., Lee, E.J., Huang, S., Westphal, H. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1999)
- Requirement for LIM homeobox gene Isl1 in motor neuron generation reveals a motor neuron-dependent step in interneuron differentiation. Pfaff, S.L., Mendelsohn, M., Stewart, C.L., Edlund, T., Jessell, T.M. Cell (1996)
- The LIM homeobox gene Lhx9 is essential for mouse gonad formation. Birk, O.S., Casiano, D.E., Wassif, C.A., Cogliati, T., Zhao, L., Zhao, Y., Grinberg, A., Huang, S., Kreidberg, J.A., Parker, K.L., Porter, F.D., Westphal, H. Nature (2000)
- Requirement for Lim1 in head-organizer function. Shawlot, W., Behringer, R.R. Nature (1995)
- Control of hippocampal morphogenesis and neuronal differentiation by the LIM homeobox gene Lhx5. Zhao, Y., Sheng, H.Z., Amini, R., Grinberg, A., Lee, E., Huang, S., Taira, M., Westphal, H. Science (1999)
- Expression of murine Lhx5 suggests a role in specifying the forebrain. Sheng, H.Z., Bertuzzi, S., Chiang, C., Shawlot, W., Taira, M., Dawid, I., Westphal, H. Dev. Dyn. (1997)
- Reduced expression of the LIM-homeobox gene Lhx3 impairs growth and differentiation of Rathke's pouch and increases cell apoptosis during mouse pituitary development. Zhao, Y., Morales, D.C., Hermesz, E., Lee, W.K., Pfaff, S.L., Westphal, H. Mech. Dev. (2006)
- Lim1 is required in both primitive streak-derived tissues and visceral endoderm for head formation in the mouse. Shawlot, W., Wakamiya, M., Kwan, K.M., Kania, A., Jessell, T.M., Behringer, R.R. Development (1999)
- Lhx1 and Lhx5 maintain the inhibitory-neurotransmitter status of interneurons in the dorsal spinal cord. Pillai, A., Mansouri, A., Behringer, R., Westphal, H., Goulding, M. Development (2007)
- Pax6 regulates the identity of embryonic diencephalic neurons. Mastick, G.S., Andrews, G.L. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (2001)
- The LIM-homeodomain gene family in the developing Xenopus brain: conservation and divergences with the mouse related to the evolution of the forebrain. Bachy, I., Vernier, P., Retaux, S. J. Neurosci. (2001)
- Nephric lineage specification by Pax2 and Pax8. Bouchard, M., Souabni, A., Mandler, M., Neubüser, A., Busslinger, M. Genes Dev. (2002)
- FGF8 is required for cell survival at distinct stages of nephrogenesis and for regulation of gene expression in nascent nephrons. Grieshammer, U., Cebrián, C., Ilagan, R., Meyers, E., Herzlinger, D., Martin, G.R. Development (2005)
- Expression of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor, mr-gef, is regulated during the differentiation of specific subsets of telencephalic neurons. Bithell, A., Alberta, J., Hornby, F., Stiles, C.D., Williams, B.P. Brain Res. Dev. Brain Res. (2003)
- Ssdp1 regulates head morphogenesis of mouse embryos by activating the Lim1-Ldb1 complex. Nishioka, N., Nagano, S., Nakayama, R., Kiyonari, H., Ijiri, T., Taniguchi, K., Shawlot, W., Hayashizaki, Y., Westphal, H., Behringer, R.R., Matsuda, Y., Sakoda, S., Kondoh, H., Sasaki, H. Development (2005)
- Isolation of novel cDNAs by subtractions between the anterior mesendoderm of single mouse gastrula stage embryos. Shimono, A., Behringer, R.R. Dev. Biol. (1999)
- Defects of the body plan of mutant embryos lacking Lim1, Otx2 or Hnf3beta activity. Kinder, S.J., Tsang, T.E., Ang, S.L., Behringer, R.R., Tam, P.P. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (2001)
- Active cell migration drives the unilateral movements of the anterior visceral endoderm. Srinivas, S., Rodriguez, T., Clements, M., Smith, J.C., Beddington, R.S. Development (2004)
- The cerberus-related gene, Cerr1, is not essential for mouse head formation. Shawlot, W., Min Deng, J., Wakamiya, M., Behringer, R.R. Genesis (2000)
- Expression and role of Lhx8 in murine tooth development. Shibaguchi, T., Kato, J., Abe, M., Tamamura, Y., Tabata, M.J., Liu, J.G., Iwamoto, M., Wakisaka, S., Wanaka, A., Kurisu, K. Arch. Histol. Cytol. (2003)
- Ptf1a determines GABAergic over glutamatergic neuronal cell fate in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Glasgow, S.M., Henke, R.M., Macdonald, R.J., Wright, C.V., Johnson, J.E. Development (2005)
- The homeobox gene Hesx1 is required in the anterior neural ectoderm for normal forebrain formation. Martinez-Barbera, J.P., Rodriguez, T.A., Beddington, R.S. Dev. Biol. (2000)
- Specific expression of the LIM/homeodomain protein Lim-1 in horizontal cells during retinogenesis. Liu, W., Wang, J.H., Xiang, M. Dev. Dyn. (2000)
- Conserved requirement of Lim1 function for cell movements during gastrulation. Hukriede, N.A., Tsang, T.E., Habas, R., Khoo, P.L., Steiner, K., Weeks, D.L., Tam, P.P., Dawid, I.B. Dev. Cell (2003)