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Gene Review

NUP62  -  nucleoporin 62kDa

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 62 kDa nucleoporin, DKFZp547L134, FLJ20822, FLJ43869, IBSN, ...
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Disease relevance of NUP62


Psychiatry related information on NUP62


High impact information on NUP62

  • The relationship between p62 and Sam68, and their roles in Src signalling, need to be clarified, but these findings suggest that Src may participate in regulating RNA processing during the cell cycle [8].
  • Autoantibodies against nucleoporin p62 constitute a novel marker of primary biliary cirrhosis [9].
  • Indeed, we demonstrate that POM121 can recruit several nucleoporins, such as Nup62 or Nup358, to ectopic assembly sites [10].
  • Furthermore, transfection of an antisense construct of p62 severely abrogates NF-kappaB activation [11].
  • Previous studies have shown that immobilized recombinant p62 can bind the cytosolic nuclear import factor NTF2 and thereby deplete transport activity from cytosol [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of NUP62


Biological context of NUP62

  • Isolation involved biochemical complementation of cytosol depleted of this activity by preadsorption with recombinant p62 and the use of a novel flow cytometry-based assay for quantitation of nuclear import [16].
  • However, phosphorylation at Ser-59 (or alternatively, its mutation to Glu) reverses the inhibition and allows interaction of the p56lck SH2 domain with p62 [17].
  • The additional presence of the unique N-terminal region of p56lck prevents p62 binding to the SH2 domain [17].
  • The p56(lck)-interacting protein p62 stimulates transcription via the SV40 enhancer [1].
  • These findings indicate that p62 may link extracellular signals directly to transcriptional responses, and identify the SV40 enhancer as a downstream target for signal transduction pathways in which p62 participates [1].

Anatomical context of NUP62

  • Concomitant with the association of this motor with the NUP62-containing complex is an apparent reorganization of the nuclear pore with loss of NUP62 from larger complexes containing other nucleoporins [18].
  • Using T7-epitope tagged p62 expression in HeLa cells, the expressed protein was shown to bind to the lck SH2 domain [19].
  • Ultrathin sections of Lowicryl K4M embedded cultured 3T3 cells, human keratinocytes and mouse/rat liver tissue were incubated with polyspecific primary antibodies against p62 and other nucleoporins followed by 10 nm gold labeled secondary antibodies [20].
  • We demonstrated physical interaction between HSF2 and p62 both by a glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assay in vitro and by a two-hybrid assay in K562 cells [21].
  • It is suggested that nucleoporin p62 may be targeted and anchored to the pore complex via its carboxy-terminal domain which reveals a hydrophobic heptad repeat organization similar to that found in lamins and other intermediate filament proteins [22].

Associations of NUP62 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of NUP62

  • Here we describe the association of the KIFC1 motor with a complex containing the nucleoporin NUP62 [18].
  • The trimerization domain of human heat shock factor 2 is able to interact with nucleoporin p62 [21].

Regulatory relationships of NUP62

  • The molecular motor KIFC1 associates with a complex containing nucleoporin NUP62 that is regulated during development and by the small GTPase RAN [18].

Other interactions of NUP62

  • These data suggest the possibility that p62 is involved in the activation or regulation of HSF2 [21].
  • A putative p62-responsive element was localized to the B domain of the distal 72-base pair repeat of the SV40 enhancer. p62 was unable to bind this element in vitro, nor was it able to activate transcription when directly tethered to a promoter, suggesting that p62 stimulates transcription via an indirect mechanism [1].
  • The relocation of cellular proteins and inhibition of nuclear import correlated with the degradation of two NPC components, Nup153 and p62 [24].
  • TAP interacts with multiple components of the NPC including the nucleoporins CAN, Nup98, Nup153, p62, and with three major NPC subcomplexes [25].
  • Expression of the IL4I1 gene from the "NUP62" promoter and the tissue specific involvement of the pre-mRNA processing machinery to regulate expression of two unrelated proteins indicate a novel mechanism of gene regulation [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NUP62


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