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Chemical Compound Review

Express     methyl2-[[(4-methoxy-6- methyl-1,3,5...

Synonyms: Cameo, SureCN54532, Express 75 DF, CHEBI:9678, DPX-L 5300, ...
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Disease relevance of Express

  • Nuclear transport of influenza virus ribonucleoproteins: the viral matrix protein (M1) promotes export and inhibits import [1].
  • The HIV-1 proteins Matrix, Vpr and Integrase have been implicated in the nuclear import of the viral genome in non-dividing cells [2].
  • The matrix (M) protein of vesicular stomatitis virus regulates transcription [3].
  • The envelope proteins of type A/Victoria virus were separated from the other virion components and reconstituted into lipid vesicles that lacked M protein that subsequently were used to prepare artificial target cells [4].
  • In L-929 cells abortively infected with fowl plague virus, matrix (M) protein synthesis is specifically inhibited, whereas the envelope glycoproteins, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, are synthesized and incorporated into the plasma membrane [4].

Psychiatry related information on Express

  • The distributions of SRTs in normal gap tasks show a small group of anticipatory saccades (with SRT below 80 ms and slower velocities) followed by a group of saccades with fast reaction times between 80 ms and 120 ms (Express saccades) followed by another large group ranging up to 180 ms (regular saccades) [5].
  • METHODS: The Iowa Matrix Closed Set Sentence test, connected discourse tracking, categories of auditory performance, and speech intelligibility rating were used to assess the speech perception (closed and open set) and speech intelligibility of the children with implants [6].
  • RESULTS: (1) Matrix biases affected the results reported from 69% of the 644 peer group/survey specimen pairs evaluated [7].
  • Sequence and Sociometric Matrix Sampling are specialized types of All Occurrences Sampling that are restricted to sampling intra- or interindividual sequences and social interactions (e.g., agonistic), respectively [8].
  • We comment on the article by C.R. Snyder and T.R. Elliott, "Twenty-First Century Graduate Education in Clinical Psychology: A Four Level Matrix Model" (this issue, PP. 1033-1054) [9].

High impact information on Express

  • Two human helper T cell determinants in influenza have been identified, one in the hemagglutinin and the other in the matrix protein (M1) [10].
  • Costs increased for Mars Express, not just Beagle [11].
  • Analysis of brains from infected mice showed the biased U to C hypermutations in the MV M gene and T and B lymphocyte infiltration [12].
  • We compared the effects of adoptively transferred Th cell clones specific for the influenza hemagglutinin (HA), matrix (M), or nucleoprotein (NP) on the antibody response of nude mice infected with A/PR/8/34 influenza virus [13].
  • Analysis of solubilized membranes purified from 16-h-infected cells shows approximately 10(4) M-protein molecule/cell in the plasma membrane, a content that is consistent with the observed low surface expression, and that indicates that most of the M-protein is localized internally [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Express


Biological context of Express

  • Further, transfer of a Th clone specific for the internal proteins, M or NP, was as effective as was transfer of an HA-specific clone in supporting an antibody response to the HA [13].
  • However, virus replication is required for M-protein appearance [14].
  • METHODS: Immunoprecipitation-Western assays and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption-Time of Flight mass spectrometry determined sites of STAT3 acetylation by the 300-kilodalton target of E1A (p300) co-activator [20].
  • However, these chimeric RNAs, unlike the selected RNAs, were not exported in the presence of Matrix protein; thus, the nonselected sequences can cause retention of the selected RNA sequences under conditions of impaired nucleocytoplasmic transport [21].
  • Reverse transcription and nuclear localization of viral nucleic acids following infection of cells by viruses lacking Vpr or viruses containing mutations in a gag MA nuclear localization sequence were indistinguishable from the pattern observed in cells infected by wild-type HIV-1 [22].

Anatomical context of Express

  • We found no evidence that cross-reactive cytotoxic T cells could recognize M-protein; neither monoclonal antibody or hyperimmune anti-M-protein antiserum could inhibit T cell killing, either alone or in combination with monoclonal anti-H-2 antibody [14].
  • BACKGROUND & AIMS: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), enzymes capable of degrading extracellular matrix components, are believed to be active in connective tissue remodeling associated with various physiologic processes and in pathologic conditions [23].
  • In contrast, introduction of both gag MA and Vpr mutations in HIV-1 attenuated nuclear localization of viral nucleic acids in nondividing cells and virus replication in monocyte-derived macrophages [22].
  • To learn about the relationship between export and retention, we isolated RNAs that are exported from nuclei of Xenopus laevis oocytes even when most RNA export is blocked by an inhibitor of Ran-dependent nucleocytoplasmic transport, the Matrix protein of vesicular stomatitis virus [21].
  • These results suggest either that recognition of virus-infected cells depends on an appropriate conformation imparted to the viral G protein by association with the M protein or that NK cells can recognize alterations in the structure of the cell membrane induced by insertion of viral M and G molecules [24].

Associations of Express with other chemical compounds

  • Target cells were infected with ts mutants in three functions: the viral surface glycoprotein (G protein; ts 045); the matrix (M) protein (ts G31, ts G33), and the polymerase (ts G11) [24].
  • A recombinant virus possessing the 1918 M segment was inhibited effectively both in tissue culture and in vivo by the M2 ion-channel inhibitors amantadine and rimantadine [25].
  • Fractionation of the digest by ammonium sulfate and chromatography on a Matrix Red A affinity column resulted in the isolation of a polypeptide (Mr = 26,000) containing the beta-hydroxyacyl dehydratase activity, but no other partial activities normally associated with the fatty acid synthase [26].
  • Pancreatic Acinar Cells Express Vesicle-associated Membrane Protein 2- and 8-Specific Populations of Zymogen Granules with Distinct and Overlapping Roles in Secretion [27].
  • However, M1, expressed alone in MDCK or HeLa cells from cloned cDNA or coexpressed with NP, did not become resistant to TX-100 extraction even after a long chase [28].
  • Integrated analysis of the TAXUS trials shows that the paclitaxel-eluting TAXUS Express stent effectively inhibits in-stent neointimal proliferation, even in high-risk and overlapping stent patients [29].

Gene context of Express


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Express

  • This has been achieved by introducing a nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequence into the matrix protein (MA) of SNV by site-directed mutagenesis [34].
  • Reactions of group V metal atoms with water molecules. Matrix isolation FTIR and quantum chemical studies [35].
  • Western blot analysis of cell supernatant showed that M1, HA, and NA were secreted into the culture medium [36].
  • A nonmyristylated construct lacking most of the MA region also was demonstrated by electron microscopy to form intracellular particles [37].
  • Immunoprecipitation of M1 protein from purified M1 vesicles, VLPs, or influenza virus showed that the relative amount of M1 protein associated with M1 vesicles or VLPs was higher than that associated with virions, suggesting that particle formation and budding is a very frequent event [36].


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