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Cockayne Syndrome

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Disease relevance of Cockayne Syndrome


Psychiatry related information on Cockayne Syndrome

  • DNA repair defects in XP-D are associated with two additional, quite different diseases; XP, a sun-sensitive and cancer-prone repair disorder, and Cockayne syndrome (CS), a photosensitive condition characterized by physical and mental retardation and wizened facial appearance [6].

High impact information on Cockayne Syndrome


Chemical compound and disease context of Cockayne Syndrome


Biological context of Cockayne Syndrome

  • Loss of a nonenzymatic function of XPG results in defective transcription-coupled repair (TCR), Cockayne syndrome (CS), and early death, but the molecular basis for these phenotypes is unknown [17].
  • The Cockayne syndrome B protein, involved in transcription-coupled DNA repair, resides in an RNA polymerase II-containing complex [18].
  • Cooperation of the Cockayne syndrome group B protein and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 in the response to oxidative stress [19].
  • A severe inhibition of transcription occurs in strains that are defective in the removal of AP sites and that also lack the RAD26 gene, a homolog of the human Cockayne syndrome group B (CSB) gene, and, importantly, a dramatic rise in mutagenesis is incurred in such strains [20].
  • Point mutations in the XPD gene lead either to the cancer-prone repair syndrome XP, sometimes in combination with a second repair condition; Cockayne syndrome; or the non-cancer-prone brittle-hair disorder trichothiodystrophy [21].

Anatomical context of Cockayne Syndrome


Gene context of Cockayne Syndrome


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cockayne Syndrome


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