Gene Review:
GSTM3 - glutathione S-transferase mu 3 (brain)
Homo sapiens
GST class-mu 3, GST5, GSTB, GSTM3-3, GTM3, ...
- Pharmacokinetics and toxicity of docetaxel: role of CYP3A, MDR1, and GST polymorphisms. Tran, A., Jullien, V., Alexandre, J., Rey, E., Rabillon, F., Girre, V., Dieras, V., Pons, G., Goldwasser, F., Tréluyer, J.M. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (2006)
- Polymorphism in cytochrome P450 CYP2D6, CYP1A1, CYP2E1 and glutathione S-transferase, GSTM1, GSTM3, GSTT1 and susceptibility to tobacco-related cancers: studies in upper aerodigestive tract cancers. Matthias, C., Bockmühl, U., Jahnke, V., Jones, P.W., Hayes, J.D., Alldersea, J., Gilford, J., Bailey, L., Bath, J., Worrall, S.F., Hand, P., Fryer, A.A., Strange, R.C. Pharmacogenetics (1998)
- Glutathione-S-transferase gene polymorphisms in colorectal cancer patients: interaction between GSTM1 and GSTM3 allele variants as a risk-modulating factor. Loktionov, A., Watson, M.A., Gunter, M., Stebbings, W.S., Speakman, C.T., Bingham, S.A. Carcinogenesis (2001)
- Mu class glutathione S-transferase mRNA isoform expression in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Kearns, P.R., Chrzanowska-Lightowlers, Z.M., Pieters, R., Veerman, A., Hall, A.G. Br. J. Haematol. (2003)
- Glutathione S-transferase hGSTM3 and ageing-associated neurodegeneration: relationship to Alzheimer's disease. Tchaikovskaya, T., Fraifeld, V., Urphanishvili, T., Andorfer, J.H., Davies, P., Listowsky, I. Mech. Ageing Dev. (2005)
- Expression-based discovery of variation in the human glutathione S-transferase M3 promoter and functional analysis in a glioma cell line using allele-specific chromatin immunoprecipitation. Liu, X., Campbell, M.R., Pittman, G.S., Faulkner, E.C., Watson, M.A., Bell, D.A. Cancer Res. (2005)
- Combined effect of polymorphic GST genes on individual susceptibility to lung cancer. Saarikoski, S.T., Voho, A., Reinikainen, M., Anttila, S., Karjalainen, A., Malaveille, C., Vainio, H., Husgafvel-Pursiainen, K., Hirvonen, A. Int. J. Cancer (1998)
- Metabolic susceptibility genes and prostate cancer risk in a southern European population: the role of glutathione S-transferases GSTM1, GSTM3, and GSTT1 genetic polymorphisms. Medeiros, R., Vasconcelos, A., Costa, S., Pinto, D., Ferreira, P., Lobo, F., Morais, A., Oliveira, J., Lopes, C. Prostate (2004)
- Distinctive structure of the human GSTM3 gene-inverted orientation relative to the mu class glutathione transferase gene cluster. Patskovsky, Y.V., Huang, M.Q., Takayama, T., Listowsky, I., Pearson, W.R. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1999)
- Polymorphisms in the glutathione S-transferase mu cluster are associated with tumour progression and patient outcome in colorectal cancer. Holley, S.L., Rajagopal, R., Hoban, P.R., Deakin, M., Fawole, A.S., Elder, J.B., Elder, J., Smith, V., Strange, R.C., Fryer, A.A. Int. J. Oncol. (2006)
- Immunohistochemical localization of glutathione S-transferases in human lung. Anttila, S., Hirvonen, A., Vainio, H., Husgafvel-Pursiainen, K., Hayes, J.D., Ketterer, B. Cancer Res. (1993)
- Subunit diversity and tissue distribution of human glutathione S-transferases: interpretations based on electrospray ionization-MS and peptide sequence-specific antisera. Rowe, J.D., Nieves, E., Listowsky, I. Biochem. J. (1997)
- Allelism at the glutathione S-transferase GSTM3 locus: interactions with GSTM1 and GSTT1 as risk factors for astrocytoma. Hand, P.A., Inskip, A., Gilford, J., Alldersea, J., Elexpuru-Camiruaga, J., Hayes, J.D., Jones, P.W., Strange, R.C., Fryer, A.A. Carcinogenesis (1996)
- Genetic polymorphisms and chromosome damage. Norppa, H. International journal of hygiene and environmental health. (2001)
- Identification of mu-class glutathione transferases M2-2 and M3-3 as cytosolic prostaglandin E synthases in the human brain. Beuckmann, C.T., Fujimori, K., Urade, Y., Hayaishi, O. Neurochem. Res. (2000)
- Genetic polymorphisms in GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1, GSTM3 and the susceptibility to gallbladder cancer in North India. Pandey, S.N., Jain, M., Nigam, P., Choudhuri, G., Mittal, B. Biomarkers (2006)
- Polymorphism of human mu class glutathione transferases. Tetlow, N., Robinson, A., Mantle, T., Board, P. Pharmacogenetics (2004)
- Glutathione-S-transferase M1, M3, P1 and T1 polymorphisms and severity of lung disease in children with cystic fibrosis. Flamant, C., Henrion-Caude, A., Boëlle, P.Y., Brémont, F., Brouard, J., Delaisi, B., Duhamel, J.F., Marguet, C., Roussey, M., Miesch, M.C., Boulé, M., Strange, R.C., Clement, A. Pharmacogenetics (2004)
- Polymorphism at the glutathione S-transferase locus GSTM3: interactions with cytochrome P450 and glutathione S-transferase genotypes as risk factors for multiple cutaneous basal cell carcinoma. Yengi, L., Inskip, A., Gilford, J., Alldersea, J., Bailey, L., Smith, A., Lear, J.T., Heagerty, A.H., Bowers, B., Hand, P., Hayes, J.D., Jones, P.W., Strange, R.C., Fryer, A.A. Cancer Res. (1996)
- High-activity microsomal epoxide hydrolase genotypes and the risk of oral, pharynx, and larynx cancers. Jourenkova-Mironova, N., Mitrunen, K., Bouchardy, C., Dayer, P., Benhamou, S., Hirvonen, A. Cancer Res. (2000)
- Glutathione S-transferase genotypes and allergic responses to diisocyanate exposure. Piirilä, P., Wikman, H., Luukkonen, R., Kääriä, K., Rosenberg, C., Nordman, H., Norppa, H., Vainio, H., Hirvonen, A. Pharmacogenetics (2001)