Gene Review:
TNC - tenascin C
Gallus gallus
- Identification and characterization of the promoter for the cytotactin gene. Jones, F.S., Crossin, K.L., Cunningham, B.A., Edelman, G.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1990)
- The integrin receptor alpha 8 beta 1 mediates interactions of embryonic chick motor and sensory neurons with tenascin-C. Varnum-Finney, B., Venstrom, K., Muller, U., Kypta, R., Backus, C., Chiquet, M., Reichardt, L.F. Neuron (1995)
- The chicken neural extracellular matrix molecule restrictin: similarity with EGF-, fibronectin type III-, and fibrinogen-like motifs. Nörenberg, U., Wille, H., Wolff, J.M., Frank, R., Rathjen, F.G. Neuron (1992)
- Localization during development of alternatively spliced forms of cytotactin mRNA by in situ hybridization. Prieto, A.L., Jones, F.S., Cunningham, B.A., Crossin, K.L., Edelman, G.M. J. Cell Biol. (1990)
- A detailed structural model of cytotactin: protein homologies, alternative RNA splicing, and binding regions. Jones, F.S., Hoffman, S., Cunningham, B.A., Edelman, G.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1989)
- Neuronal cell adhesion molecules and cytotactin are colocalized at the node of Ranvier. Rieger, F., Daniloff, J.K., Pincon-Raymond, M., Crossin, K.L., Grumet, M., Edelman, G.M. J. Cell Biol. (1986)
- A cDNA clone for cytotactin contains sequences similar to epidermal growth factor-like repeats and segments of fibronectin and fibrinogen. Jones, F.S., Burgoon, M.P., Hoffman, S., Crossin, K.L., Cunningham, B.A., Edelman, G.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1988)
- Expression of cytotactin in the normal and regenerating neuromuscular system. Daniloff, J.K., Crossin, K.L., Pinçon-Raymond, M., Murawsky, M., Rieger, F., Edelman, G.M. J. Cell Biol. (1989)
- Effect of heat stress on 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid and DL-methionine absorption measured in vitro. Dibner, J.J., Atwell, C.A., Ivey, F.J. Poult. Sci. (1992)
- Distribution and expression of two interactive extracellular matrix proteins, cytotactin and cytotactin-binding proteoglycan, during development of Xenopus laevis. I. Embryonic development. Williamson, D.A., Parrish, E.P., Edelman, G.M. J. Morphol. (1991)
- Site-restricted expression of cytotactin during development of the chicken embryo. Crossin, K.L., Hoffman, S., Grumet, M., Thiery, J.P., Edelman, G.M. J. Cell Biol. (1986)
- Cytotactin expression in somites after dorsal neural tube and neural crest ablation in chicken embryos. Tan, S.S., Prieto, A.L., Newgreen, D.F., Crossin, K.L., Edelman, G.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1991)