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Gene Review

TNC  -  tenascin C

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: 150-225, Cytotactin, DFNA56, GMEM, GP, ...
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Disease relevance of TNC


High impact information on TNC


Chemical compound and disease context of TNC


Biological context of TNC


Anatomical context of TNC


Associations of TNC with chemical compounds

  • EGFR-dependent adhesion was noted when the ligands were tethered to inert beads, simulating the physiologically relevant presentation of tenascin-C as hexabrachion, and suggesting an increase in avidity similar to that seen for integrin ligands upon surface binding [13].
  • Platelet derived growth factor induced tenascin-C transcription is phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt-dependent and mediated by Ets family transcription factors [18].
  • Actinomycin D, an RNA synthesis inhibitor, significantly blocked the PDGF-mediated upregulation of TN-C mRNA expression, whereas cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, did not [18].
  • The cells failed to adhere to Tn-C but adhered to Fn/Tn-C and were then more efficiently inhibited by the function-blocking integrin mAbs and RGD peptide [19].
  • CS and TN (but not FN) were expressed pericellularly in these cell groups [20].

Physical interactions of TNC

  • For example, an antibody to the beta 1 subfamily of integrins partially inhibited binding of cells to intact CT but did not inhibit cell binding to the third FN type III repeat [14].
  • RPTPbeta-dependent cell adhesion was mediated by binding to the alternatively spliced FNIII repeats A1,2,4 (TnfnA1,2,4) of tenascin C [21].
  • CONCLUSIONS:: Tenascin-C has previously been described in its complex relationship with decorin and fibronectin in normal wound healing [22].
  • Chondroitinase treatment of the proteoglycans did not affect their binding to either native tenascin-C or to any of the recombinant proteins, demonstrating that these interactions are mediated by the proteoglycan core proteins rather than through the glycosaminoglycan chains [23].
  • Bone marrow mononuclear cells can adhere to plastic-immobilized tenascin-C, and in the present study we have used bacterial expression proteins to map the domains of tenascin-C responsible for binding of hematopoietic cells [24].

Co-localisations of TNC


Regulatory relationships of TNC


Other interactions of TNC


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TNC

  • Moreover, in situ hybridization revealed specific expression of TN-C in migrating microvascular cells in a cerebral microvascular ring assay [1].
  • When seeded onto FN matrices, the co-cultures were unaffected by the anti-integrin and anti-FN antibodies and were able to organize a TN-C matrix [30].
  • Using polyactylamide gel electophoresis, RT/PCR analysis and microarrays data, we showed the higher level of tenascin-C in the human tumor tissues: brain, intestine and breast [31].
  • RNAs were collected and analyzed with Northern blots for TN-C, Fib-1 and beta(2)-microglobulin [32].
  • MMP-2, CD, and TN-C expressions were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and correlated with clinicopathologic prognostic parameters and survival [33].


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