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Gene Review

FN1  -  fibronectin 1

Gallus gallus

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Disease relevance of FN1

  • We detected little change in fibronectin splicing, other than a slight increase in representation of EIIIB+ species in fibroblasts after transformation by Rous sarcoma virus [1].
  • To check the specificity of this aggregation, a fusion protein (FGTNr) consisting of glutathione S-transferase linked to the six immunoglobulin domains and the first fibronectin type III repeat of Nr-CAM was expressed in Escherichia coli [2].
  • Embryonic chick ciliary ganglion (CG) neurons regenerate neurites rapidly on surfaces coated with laminin (LN), fibronectin (FN), conditioned media (CM) from several non-neuronal cell types that secrete LN, and on intact extracellular matrices [3].
  • Changes in the fibronectin-specific integrin expression pattern modify the migratory behavior of sarcoma S180 cells in vitro and in the embryonic environment [4].
  • If soluble collagen, laminin, or fibronectin is added to the medium, however, blebs are withdrawn and by 2-6 h the basal surface is flat [5].

Psychiatry related information on FN1

  • These results indicate that external macromolecules other than fibronectin are synthesized by cultured fibroblasts and can affect cell social behavior or culture morphology [6].
  • A fragment of the L1 molecule derived from the external fibronectin domains FN1-5 produced amnesia only when injected at the 5.5-hr timepoint, whereas a fragment of the immunoglubin-like domains Ig I-VI produced amnesia only when injected 30 min prior to training [7].

High impact information on FN1

  • Movement of beads coated with fibronectin or an anti-integrin antibody was restrained with an optical trap on fibroblasts to mimic extracellular attachment sites of different resistance [8].
  • Cells precisely sense the restraining force on fibronectin beads and respond by a localized, proportional strengthening of the cytoskeleton linkages, allowing stronger force to be exerted on the integrins [8].
  • There is 45% homology between the beta subunit sequence and band III of integrin, a chick fibronectin and laminin receptor [9].
  • Fibronectin-degrading proteases from the membranes of transformed cells [10].
  • The local degradation of fibronectin substrata by Rous sarcoma virus-transformed chick embryonic fibroblasts requires cell-contact-related metalloendoprotease and serine-protease activities [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of FN1


Biological context of FN1


Anatomical context of FN1

  • Fibronectin, therefore, is a potential ligand for general radial neuronal migration in the chick optic tectum [16].
  • The exon encoding the fibronectin type III-9 repeat is constitutively included in the mRNA from chick limb mesenchyme and cartilage [17].
  • Primary calvarial cells cultured on purified tenascin-W become rounded, and fewer of these cells spread on fibronectin when tenascin-W is added to the medium when compared with calvarial cells cultured on fibronectin alone [19].
  • Here, we report that addition of IGFII promoted the EndoMT process in the presence of very low amounts of chicken serum to arrested primary embryonic aortic chicken endothelial cells attached to fibronectin (FN), gelatin, or native type I collagen [20].
  • When mononuclear cells (MNCs) isolated from human cord blood were cultured on fibronectin-coated plates for 7 days, myoseverin decreased the number of adherent cells in a dose-dependent manner with IC(50) of approximately 9 microM [21].

Associations of FN1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of FN1


Enzymatic interactions of FN1


Regulatory relationships of FN1

  • TGF alpha stimulates fibronectin production in hen granulosa cells and is an important survival factor during follicular maturation [29].
  • Pretreatment of collagen gels with the proteoglycan monomer from bovine nasal cartilage had no effect of the adhesion of crest cells, but the proteoglycan almost completely inhibited adhesion to adsorbed fibronectin, but only when absorbed collagen was also present [31].

Other interactions of FN1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FN1


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