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Disease relevance of Desiccation

  • Tritiated water meausres a volume 4 to 15% body weight larger than that by desiccation, and, at present, only 0.5 to 2.0% of the overestimation can be explained by the exchange of hydrogen of tritiated water with those of the proteins and carbohydrates of the body [1].
  • The cells embedded in EPS in Nostoc colonies were highly desiccation tolerant, and O2 evolution was not damaged by air drying [2].
  • Using genetic engineering techniques, intracellular trehalose concentrations were obtained which were similar to or greater than those in enterobacteria, but this did not translate into improved desiccation tolerance [3].
  • During the dehydration process, larvae accumulate large amounts of trehalose, which provides effective protection against desiccation because of its high capacity for water replacement and vitrification [4].
  • The stress-tolerant properties of Arthrobacter (resistance to nutrient starvation, desiccation and high salt concentration) are discussed with respect to the high glycogen and trehalose contents of the cells [5].

High impact information on Desiccation

  • The Viviparous-1 (VP1) transcriptional activator of maize is required for abscisic acid induction of maturation-specific genes late in seed development leading to acquisition of desiccation tolerance and arrest in embryo growth [6].
  • Constitutive overexpression of CDT-1 leads to desiccation tolerance in the absence of ABA and to the constitutive expression of characteristic transcripts [7].
  • An experimental system has been developed which allows the identification of intermediates in the abscisic acid (ABA) signal transduction pathway leading to desiccation tolerance in plants [7].
  • Trehalose expression confers desiccation tolerance on human cells [8].
  • Taken together, the data on enzymatic activity as well as transcript and protein distributions allowed us to propose a role for PLD in the events leading to desiccation tolerance in C. plantagineum [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Desiccation

  • This review deals with recent data on the structure and biochemical properties of dehydrins, proteins that are normally synthesized in maturating seeds during their desiccation, and also in vegetative tissues of plants treated with abscisic acid or exposed to environmental stress factors that result in cellular dehydration [10].
  • Acute 111indium-labelled platelet deposition and thrombosis were assessed four hours after balloon-injury in arteries subjected to prior endothelial damage (air desiccation) and cholesterol supplementation (one month) [11].
  • Dried endospores of Bacillus subtilis incubated in a Mars surrogate soil comprised of dry silica sand containing 20% by weight K2FeO4 and under conditions similar to those now on Mars (extreme desiccation, cold, and a CO2-dominated atmosphere) were resistant to killing by the ferrate-enriched sand [12].
  • Tritium space is 1.2% of body weight larger than TBW measured by desiccation [13].
  • Block specimens of formalin fixed bone, soft tissue and endosseous implanted biomaterials can be successfully embedded in polymethyl methacrylate by employing vacuum desiccation during the dehydration steps and refrigeration during the infiltration step [14].

Biological context of Desiccation

  • Studies of their biology and molecular biology suggest that the Em protein has a role in hormone-mediated (abscisic acid) cellular desiccation and that germin has a role in hormone-mediated (auxin) cellular hydration [15].
  • In-frame deletion mutants of homologues of CheW (DeltacheW(3a)and DeltacheW(3b)), CheR (DeltacheR(3)), CheA (DeltacheA(3)) and a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (Deltamcp(3)) are defective in starvation-induced formation of heat and desiccation resistant cyst cells [16].
  • Analysis of mRNA accumulation profiles showed that DBF1 is induced during maize embryogenesis and after desiccation, NaCl and ABA treatments in plant seedlings, whereas the DBF2 mRNA is not induced [17].
  • Following germination, gli1 seedlings transiently accumulate glycerol derived from the breakdown of storage oil and are more resistant to hyperosmotic stress, salt stress, oxidative stress, freezing and desiccation [18].
  • Phosphorylation of p107 was promoted during COS development (coincident with a >5-fold increase in the I(50) [malate] value for total PEPC activity in desalted extracts) but disappeared during COS desiccation [19].

Anatomical context of Desiccation


Associations of Desiccation with chemical compounds

  • METHODS AND RESULTS: Focal femoral atherosclerosis was induced by endothelial desiccation injury followed by a 2% cholesterol diet [25].
  • Expression of this synthetic promoter rapidly diminishes upon germination but can be reactivated in young seedlings and mature leaves by desiccation, NaCl, or the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) [26].
  • Trehalose is an unusual non-reducing disaccharide that plays a variety of biological roles, from food storage to cellular protection from environmental stresses such as desiccation, pressure, heat-shock, extreme cold, and oxygen radicals [27].
  • The sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate used to prepare the standard solution lost 8 waters of hydration after dessication, which could result in the calculation of spuriously elevated PPi levels [28].
  • Tumor water loss was followed by accumulation of the osmoprotectants, sucrose (Suc) and proline, in the tumor periphery, shifting hexose-to-Suc balance in favor of sugar signals for maturation and desiccation tolerance [29].

Gene context of Desiccation

  • These results suggest that sHSP expression in seeds is regulated by the ABI3 response pathway and wild-type levels of sHSPs are not sufficient for seed dormancy and not necessary for desiccation tolerance [30].
  • Our results show for the first time that human cells react rapidly to desiccation by MAPK activation, and that the response partially overlaps with that to hyperosmotic stress [31].
  • SDH2-3 transcripts appear during seed maturation, persist through desiccation, are abundant in dry seeds and markedly decline during germination [32].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged VLA-4 blockade reduces leukocyte recruitment and neointimal growth following air desiccation injury in ApoE (-/-) mice [33].
  • METHODS: ApoE (-/-) mice fed a Western diet underwent air desiccation injury, and the expression patterns of VLA-4 and VCAM-1 were determined by immunohistochemistry (IHC) [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Desiccation

  • Atherosclerosis was produced by air desiccation injury followed by a 28 day diet of 2% cholesterol and 6% peanut oil that was terminated before balloon angioplasty was performed [34].
  • Only after 8 months of desiccation did the antioxidant system of M. flabellifolia break down; 3 weeks after the onset of rehydration, these plants abscised their leaves, but even then they were still able to recover and develop new ones [35].
  • Expression analyses performed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR on a wide range of growing conditions showed that PpSK genes responded only to either desiccation, PEG or sorbitol [36].
  • Gene induction profiles differed under the two stress conditions, however: quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) experiments showed that AR, BGT-1 and SMIT, which encode proteins governing organic osmolyte accumulation, were induced by hypersalinity but not by desiccation [31].
  • Induction of tolerance to desiccation and cryopreservation in silver maple (Acer saccharinum) embryonic axes [37].


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