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Gene Review

SEC18  -  AAA family ATPase SEC18

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Vesicular-fusion protein SEC18, YBR0736, YBR080C
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Disease relevance of SEC18


High impact information on SEC18


Biological context of SEC18


Anatomical context of SEC18


Associations of SEC18 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of SEC18

  • Vam7p is a constituent of the vacuole SNARE complex and is released from this complex by the Sec17p/Sec18p/ATP-mediated priming of the vacuoles [18].
  • Ordering experiments using the dilution resistant intermediate and reversible Sec23p complex inhibition indicate Sec18p action is required before LMA1 function [13].

Regulatory relationships of SEC18

  • Strikingly, palmitoylation of Vac8p is blocked by the addition of antibodies to Sec18p (yeast NSF) only [19].

Other interactions of SEC18

  • The vacuole v-t-SNARE complex is disassembled by Sec17p/alpha-SNAP and Sec18p/NSF prior to vacuole docking and fusion [18].
  • Vam10p defines a Sec18p-independent step of priming that allows yeast vacuole tethering [20].
  • The two tRNA genes, coding for a tRNA(asp) and a tRNA(arg), and three of the ORFs, had been sequenced previously, i.e. HSP26, SEC18, and UBC4 [21].
  • Upon priming by Sec18p/NSF and ATP, Vam2/6p is released as a 38S subcomplex that binds Ypt7p to initiate docking [22].
  • In this study, we show that the COOH-terminal domain of Ist2p is necessary and sufficient to mediate SEC18-independent sorting when it is positioned at the COOH terminus of different integral membrane proteins and exposed to the cytoplasm [6].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SEC18


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