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Gene Review

ERCC8  -  excision repair cross-complementation group 8

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CKN1, CSA, Cockayne syndrome WD repeat protein CSA, DNA excision repair protein ERCC-8, UVSS2
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Disease relevance of ERCC8


Psychiatry related information on ERCC8

  • METHODS: Polysomnograms with digitized video surveillance of 20 consecutive patients with heart failure and CSA-CSR were analyzed for total apnea-hypopnea index, mean event duration, and mean oxygen desaturation according to sleep stage and position [3].
  • PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Computer Science and Applications, Inc. (CSA) activity monitor to quantify physical activity in free living subjects using an activity diary as the criterion measure [5].

High impact information on ERCC8

  • These results suggest that the distinct UV response of the DDB2 and CSA complexes is involved in diverse mechanisms of NER [2].
  • The ubiquitin ligase activity in the DDB2 and CSA complexes is differentially regulated by the COP9 signalosome in response to DNA damage [2].
  • These observations suggest that the products of the CSA and CSB genes are involved in transcription [6].
  • We report the cloning of the CSA cDNA, which can encode a WD repeat protein [6].
  • Mutations in the CSA or CSB complementation genes cause the Cockayne syndrome, a severe genetic disorder that results in patients' death in early adulthood [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of ERCC8


Biological context of ERCC8


Anatomical context of ERCC8

  • Here, we have analyzed repair in a CSA fibroblast strain [9].
  • In addition, the model can explain how various therapeutic agent correct CN and also provides insight into why other hematologic cell lines and CSA oscillate in CN [13].
  • RESULTS: The proportion (%) of CD4+IL-2+ lymphocytes corresponding to CSA levels (mean+/-SD ng/ml) measured preoperatively (TO=O), and on postoperative day 8, before (356+/-63), and 2 hr after the morning dose (Cmax=1567+/-669), decreased from 39+/-16 to 15+/-8 and 3+/-1.6, respectively [14].
  • One-year posttransplant, NK cell counts and NK cell cytotoxicity was significantly higher in patients receiving FK/MMF therapy, as compared to CSA/Aza [15].
  • [Granulocyte progenitor cells in peripheral blood and leucocyte CSA in patients with neutrophilic leucocytosis not due to haematological disease. A clinical study.] [16].

Associations of ERCC8 with chemical compounds

  • Residue-Specific (13)C' CSA Tensor Principal Components for Ubiquitin: Correlation between Tensor Components and Hydrogen Bonding [17].
  • BACKGROUND: Clinically, cyclosporine (CSA, Neoral) is titrated to concentrations, and not to pharmacological effect [14].
  • These patients were included in a randomized prospective open trial comparing tacrolimus/mycophenolate mofetil (FK/MMF) versus cyclosporine/azathioprine (CSA/Aza), both used in association with rabbit antithymocyte globulines (rATG) induction and prednisone [15].
  • The contribution of CSA to the increase in whey proteins in early milks was greater than that described in the bovine and caprine species [18].
  • CSAp was shown to be distinct from blood group antigens, including Lea and Leb blood group substances, liver ferritin, AFP, CEA, CSA, CMA, ZGM, and BOFA, and to have the electrophoretic mobility of an alpha2-globulin [19].

Other interactions of ERCC8

  • The transcription-repair coupling factor CSA is required for efficient repair only during the elongation stages of RNA polymerase II transcription [9].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ERCC8


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  2. The ubiquitin ligase activity in the DDB2 and CSA complexes is differentially regulated by the COP9 signalosome in response to DNA damage. Groisman, R., Polanowska, J., Kuraoka, I., Sawada, J., Saijo, M., Drapkin, R., Kisselev, A.F., Tanaka, K., Nakatani, Y. Cell (2003) [Pubmed]
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