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Gene Review

XPC  -  xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: DNA repair protein complementing XP-C cells, RAD4, XP3, XPCC, Xeroderma pigmentosum group C-complementing protein, ...
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Disease relevance of XPC

  • Our observations suggest that XPC-HR23B may participate in BER of G/T mismatches, thereby contributing to the suppression of spontaneous mutations that may be one of the contributory factors for the promotion of carcinogenesis in xeroderma pigmentosum genetic complementation group C patients [1].
  • Our data suggest that interindividual variation in XPA and XPC influences a woman's risk of endometrial cancer [2].
  • Combinations of polymorphisms in XPD, XPC and XPA in relation to risk of lung cancer [3].
  • Moreover, studies of cells deficient in XPC or in the genes implicated in Cockayne syndrome (CSA and CSB) indicated that the drug sensitivity is specifically dependent on the transcription-coupled pathway of NER [4].
  • One hundred percent of XPC-/- mice develop multiple spontaneous lung tumors with a minority progressing to non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma, occasionally with metastasis to adjacent lymph nodes [5].

Psychiatry related information on XPC


High impact information on XPC

  • Our results strongly suggest that ubiquitylation plays a critical role in the transfer of the UV-induced lesion from UV-DDB to XPC [7].
  • The xeroderma pigmentosum group C (XPC) protein complex plays a key role in recognizing DNA damage throughout the genome for mammalian nucleotide excision repair (NER) [7].
  • Here we report the results of a characterization of XPCC at the nucleotide level in five XP-C cell lines [8].
  • We have isolated a mouse homologue of the human gene for XP group C and generated XPC-deficient mice by using embryonic stem cell technology [9].
  • Interestingly, NER-type DNA damage further stabilizes XPC and thereby enhances repair [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of XPC


Biological context of XPC

  • These data support a mechanism in which TFIIH-associated helicase activity and XPC protein catalyze initial formation of the key open intermediate, with full extension to the cleavage sites promoted by the other core nucleotide excision repair factors [16].
  • The XPC-HR23B complex recognizes various helix-distorting lesions in DNA and initiates global genome nucleotide excision repair [1].
  • Here, we show that XPC plays an unexpected and multifaceted role in cell protection from oxidative DNA damage [17].
  • Before the excision reaction, DNA damage is recognized by a complex originally thought to contain the XP group C responsible gene product (XPC) and the human homologue of Rad23 B (HR23B) [18].
  • These results suggest that the NER process may prevent the cisplatin treatment-induced apoptosis by activating the ATM protein, and that the presence of the XPC protein is essential for recruiting the ATM protein to the DNA template [19].

Anatomical context of XPC

  • XP-C primary keratinocytes and fibroblasts are hypersensitive to the killing effects of DNA-oxidizing agents and this effect is reverted by expression of wild-type XPC [17].
  • Upon oxidant exposure, XP-C primary keratinocytes and fibroblasts accumulate 8,5'-cyclopurine 2'-deoxynucleosides in their DNA, indicating that XPC is involved in their removal [17].
  • Similarly, rapid recruitment of XPC to DNA damage in situ was also impaired in both cell lines [20].
  • Activation of NER in Cr(VI)-treated human fibroblasts or lung epithelial H460 cells was manifested by XPC-dependent binding of the XPA protein to the nuclear matrix, which was also observed in UV light-treated (but not oxidant-stressed) cells [21].
  • Cells cultured from XPA and XPC patients are hypersensitive to UV light, as a result of malfunctioning DNA repair [22].

Associations of XPC with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of XPC

  • XPC physically interacted with XPA, but failed to stabilize the XPA-damaged DNA complex [27].
  • The XPC protein is complexed with HHR23B, one of the two human homologs of the yeast NER protein, RAD23 (Masutani at al. (1994) EMBO J. 8, 1831-1843) [24].
  • Flexibility and plasticity of human centrin 2 binding to the xeroderma pigmentosum group C protein (XPC) from nuclear excision repair [28].
  • The C-terminal domain of centrin (C-HsCen2) binds strongly a peptide from the XPC protein (P1-XPC: N(847)-R(863)) [28].
  • Structure of the XPC binding domain of hHR23A reveals hydrophobic patches for protein interaction [29].

Regulatory relationships of XPC

  • In a reconstituted repair system, hHR23B stimulated XPC activity tenfold [30].
  • In addition, XPC is necessary to promote a stable binding of XPA to UV-irradiated DNA [31].
  • In contrast, three XPC cell lines which show intermediate UV-induced repair replication and UV sensitivity were sensitized little (in one case) or not at all (in two cases) to UV by postirradiation inhibition of the alpha polymerase [32].

Other interactions of XPC

  • These findings identify XPC as the earliest known NER factor in the reaction mechanism, give insight into the order of subsequent NER components, provide evidence for a dual role of XPA, and support a concept of sequential assembly of repair proteins at the site of the damage rather than a preassembled repairosome [33].
  • In vitro experiments suggest that the mechanism involved is a combination of increased loading and turnover of OGG1 by XPC-HR23B complex [17].
  • Strong functional interactions of TFIIH with XPC and XPG in human DNA nucleotide excision repair, without a preassembled repairosome [34].
  • Thus, those findings suggest that the XPC-CEN2 interaction may reflect coupling of cell division and NER [18].
  • It also showed that a functional XPC protein was required for the association of the ATM protein to genomic DNA [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of XPC


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