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Environment, Controlled

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Disease relevance of Environment, Controlled


High impact information on Environment, Controlled

  • Given the absence of a classic "withdrawal" pattern, "short-term abstinence" may be a more appropriate classification of psychological and physical phenomena experienced by cocaine addicts who initiate abstinence in a controlled environment [6].
  • Following monitored stimulation in the controlled environment, subjects were scanned and images converted to values of glucose use in micromoles per 100 g per minute according to Sokoloff's model [7].
  • The current rate of CO2 responsiveness in individual long-lived species cannot be accurately determined from field studies or by controlled-environment experiments [8].
  • Nevertheless, some controlled environment studies have reported direct stimulation of C4 photosynthesis and productivity, as well as physiological acclimation, under elevated [CO2] [9].
  • OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to measure the intrinsic variability in the vitamin A activity of beta-carotene among healthy, well-fed men living in a controlled environment [10].

Biological context of Environment, Controlled

  • At 30 min after insemination, 22 eggs were cultured in a CO2 incubator for further 3.5 h and 17 eggs were placed individually between a slide and coverslip for randomly repeated microscopical observations in a controlled environment for at least 3.5 h [11].
  • Using a cigar roll culture in a controlled environment, we evaluated primary root LRL and LRN at low and high phosphorus availability in 160 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between maize genotypes B73 and Mo17, which have contrasting adaptation to low phosphorus availability in the field [12].
  • Total N and nonprotein N (NPN) contents of plant biomass generally increased under controlled-environment conditions compared to field conditions, especially for leafy plant parts and roots [13].
  • Previous studies on the kinetics of styrene metabolites in urine were mostly conducted in a controlled environment on subjects exposed to high concentrations of styrene [14].

Associations of Environment, Controlled with chemical compounds

  • Measurement of 13C-labeled fatty acid oxidation is hindered by the need for acetate correction, measurement of the rate of CO2 production in a controlled environment, and frequent collection of breath samples [15].
  • The question of whether these patients had an excessive sensitivity to lactate led to the development of the lactate infusion model, in which anxiety is induced in a controlled environment [16].
  • Plants were grown under controlled-environment conditions in chelate-buffered nutrient solution where Zn(2+) activities were controlled at low (0.1 pM) or sufficient (150 pM) levels [17].
  • We measured cortisol levels in 15 women with well-defined TMD and 15 matched controls by sampling blood at 10-minute intervals over 24 hours in a controlled environment [18].
  • Rats were injected with 14C-2DG, exposed to controlled environments of amyl acetate, camphor, cage air, dimethyl disulfide, and pure air and autoradiographs prepared by the method of Sokoloff [19].

Gene context of Environment, Controlled

  • METHODS: To examine the existence of a time-of-day effect for baseline CRP values, we determined CRP concentrations in hourly blood samples drawn from healthy subjects (10 males, 3 females; age range, 21-35 years) during a baseline day in a controlled environment (8 h of nighttime sleep) [20].
  • The data obtained in this physiologically controlled environment indicate that the cumulative effect of IEDs may modify PRL regulatory mechanisms, resulting in a modest elevation of plasma concentrations independent of ictal discharges [21].
  • Nodulation and plant dry matter accumulation of pea and lentil plants receiving preinduced R. leguminosarum were higher than those of plants receiving uninduced R. leguminosarum cells in controlled environment growth chamber conditions [22].
  • METHODS: Polysorbate 20 samples were degraded in a controlled environment utilizing the enzyme pancreatic lipase to generate degradants that included lauric acid and the sorbitan polyoxyethylene side chain [23].
  • Plants of cv. ICGV 86015 were grown in controlled environments at a day/night temperature of 28/22 degrees C from sowing until 9 d after flowering (DAF) [24].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Environment, Controlled

  • The method does not require a clean room facility and is based on saponification followed by extraction into hexane, clean-up using gel-permeation chromatography and sulfuric acid treatment, and measurement using capillary gas chromatography-low resolution mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring [25].
  • A newly designed controlled environment vitrification system for cryo-transmission electron microscopy of vitrified samples (cryo TEM) is presented [26].
  • We describe how the immunofluorescence microscopy technique is robust, relatively simple and, in contrast to broad-range 16S recombinant-deoxyribonucleic-acid-based polymerase chain reaction, does not require a separate clean-room facility or strict adherence to aseptic techniques [27].
  • This system was used to grow wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Yecora Rojo) for 107 days in a controlled environment at suctions of 0.40, 1.48, or 2.58 kPa [28].


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