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Disease relevance of Dysmenorrhea


Psychiatry related information on Dysmenorrhea

  • Also, adolescents who reported more severe dysmenorrhea symptoms following three months of naproxen therapy had significantly lower self-concepts than adolescents who reported less symptoms following treatment [6].

High impact information on Dysmenorrhea


Chemical compound and disease context of Dysmenorrhea

  • Oral contraceptives decreased menstrual flow, reduced prostaglandin release and also alleviated dysmenorrhea [11].
  • Prostaglandins in primary dysmenorrhea. Comparison of prophylactic and nonprophylactic treatment with ibuprofen and use of oral contraceptives [11].
  • In an effort to evaluate the discordant role of objective uterine activity known to be associated with primary dysmenorrhea and the subjective sensation of discomfort, data from 18 patients undergoing meclofenamate therapy for primary dysmenorrhea were evaluated [12].
  • Valdecoxib is effective in single doses of up to 40 mg for the alleviation of acute menstrual pain and has a rapid onset of action (within 30 min) and a long duration of analgesia (up to 24 h) [13].
  • There was little evidence for associations between DDE or PCBs and bleeding duration, heavy bleeding, or dysmenorrhea [14].

Biological context of Dysmenorrhea


Anatomical context of Dysmenorrhea


Gene context of Dysmenorrhea


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dysmenorrhea


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