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Chemical Compound Review

p,p'-DDE     1-chloro-4-[2,2-dichloro-1- (4...

Synonyms: p,p-Dde, SPECTRUM330072, CCRIS 193, CHEMBL363207, NSC-1153, ...
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Disease relevance of DDE

  • METHODS: We measured plasma levels of DDE and PCBs prospectively among 240 women who gave a blood sample in 1989 or 1990 and who were subsequently given a diagnosis of breast cancer before June 1, 1992 [1].
  • Our aim was to investigate the association between DDE exposure and preterm birth [2].
  • In addition, adrenocortical adenomas, spontaneous to Syrian golden hamsters, were more frequent in DDE- and DDT-treated animals than in control animals [3].
  • In addition, we show that the lack of DDE-type integrase genes from elements of the DIRS1 group is explained by the finding that the previously uncharacterized ORFs of these elements encode proteins related to the site-specific recombinase of bacteriophage lambda [4].
  • Liver cancer mortality increased significantly with adipose DDE levels in both sexes among whites, but not among African Americans [5].

Psychiatry related information on DDE


High impact information on DDE


Chemical compound and disease context of DDE


Biological context of DDE

  • To elucidate the organization of active sites within this tetramer, the subunit providing the essential active site DDE residues for each cleavage and joining reaction was determined [14].
  • The finding that serum DDE levels increase with age suggests that no equilibrium in body burden has been reached or that pharmacokinetics or serum/adipose partition may vary with age [20].
  • After adjustment for first-degree family history of breast cancer, lifetime lactation, and age at first full-term pregnancy, conditional logistic regression analysis showed a fourfold increase in relative risk of breast cancer for an elevation of serum DDE concentrations from 2.0 ng/mL (10th percentile) to 19.1 ng/mL (90th percentile) [21].
  • A mutation in a DDE motif abolishes both endonucleolytic and phosphoryl transfer activities, suggesting that Tc1A carries a catalytic core common to retroviral integrases and IS transposases [22].
  • When one of the hyperactive Tnps is replaced with a catalytically inactive version containing the mutation EA326 (DDE mutant), the predominant reaction product is a linearized plasmid resulting from single end cleavage [23].

Anatomical context of DDE


Associations of DDE with other chemical compounds

  • Laboratory experiments with DDE-containing marine sediments showed that DDE is dechlorinated to DDMU in both methanogenic and sulfidogenic microcosms and that DDD is dehydrochlorinated to DDMU three orders of magnitude more slowly [12].
  • A specific association was observed between a glycine to valine substitution at codon 12 and both p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE concentrations (odds ratio 15.9, p=0.044 and odds ratio 24.1, p=0.028; respectively) [29].
  • Nuclear accumulation of CAR, but not PXR, was observed in the liver tissue following DDE and PB treatment [30].
  • This procedure was designed primarily to protect piscivorous birds and mammals from compounds that bioaccumulate in fish and was used in the Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative (GLI) to calculate wildlife values (WV) for mercury, DDT/DDE, total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) [31].
  • In our previous study we have shown that a water-soluble derivatized dextran named DDE, containing 82.2% methyl carboxylic acid groups, 6.1% benzylamide, and 5.6% sulfonate with a specific anticoagulant activity equivalent to heparin of 0.5 IU/mg could potentiate the mitogenic activity of aFGF on CCL39 cells [32].

Gene context of DDE

  • Androgen receptor activities of p,p'-DDE, fenvalerate and phoxim detected by androgen receptor reporter gene assay [33].
  • Linear-regression analysis showed that interleukin-4 (IL-4) plasma levels were associated with plasma levels of DDT 4.4 (p = .0001) and DDE 4.4 (p = .001) [34].
  • These results suggest that p,p'-DDT and o,p'-DDT exerted their effects on neuronal cells by the stimulation of p44/42 MAPK, and p,p'-DDE had less effects than the other two organochlorines [35].
  • Furthermore, the critical DDE catalytic triad of RAG1 is shared with the Transib transposase as part of conserved motifs [36].
  • In this report, p,p'-DDE, a weak androgen receptor (AR) antagonist, has been examined in a Tier I screening battery designed to detect endocrine-active compounds (EACs) [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of DDE


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