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Cognitive Therapy

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Disease relevance of Cognitive Therapy


Psychiatry related information on Cognitive Therapy


High impact information on Cognitive Therapy


Chemical compound and disease context of Cognitive Therapy


Biological context of Cognitive Therapy


Gene context of Cognitive Therapy

  • Training the brain. Cognitive therapy as an alternative to ADHD drugs [19].
  • Cognitive behavior therapy showed a lower rate of MDD at the end of treatment compared with NST (17.1% vs 42.4%; P = .02), and resulted in a higher rate of remission (64.7%, defined as absence of MDD and at least 3 consecutive Beck Depression Inventory scores < 9) than SBFT (37.9%; P = .03) or NST (39.4%; p = .04) [5].
  • Those with a commitment to research would benefit from subscribing to the journal Cognitive Therapy and Research. CBT does not aim to be a panacea for every disorder, and cognitive therapists are critical of its overzealous use by inadequately trained or poorly informed therapists [20].
  • Cognitive therapy and recovery from acute psychosis: a controlled trial. II. Impact on recovery time [21].
  • RESULTS: Large and significant reductions in compliance behaviour were obtained favouring the cognitive therapy group (effect size 1.1) [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cognitive Therapy


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