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Chemical Compound Review

Acitretin     (2E,4E,6E,8E)-9-(4-methoxy- 2,3,6-trimethyl...

Synonyms: Etretin, Soriatane, Acitretina, Acitretine, Isoetretin, ...
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Disease relevance of Acitretin


Psychiatry related information on Acitretin


High impact information on Acitretin

  • We also report that the -460 VEGF polymorphism appears to have a clinical pharmacogenetic role in predicting response or non-response of psoriasis to acitretin (P = 0.01) [6].
  • A panel of retinoids (all-trans-, 13-cis-, 19-cis retinoic acid and acitretin), and interferon-alpha-2a was tested for the capacity to modulate the proliferation of UT-DEC-1 (HPV-33-positive) and UT-DEC-2 (HPV-16-positive) cell lines derived from vaginal intra-epithelial neoplasias (VAIN) [7].
  • The effects of several other retinoids, including Ro15-0778, etretinate, Ro13-7410, etarotene, Ro40-8757, 13-cis-retinoic acid and acitretin, were also studied to determine their effects on EGF binding and ODC activity [8].
  • Rapid effect of treatment of psoriatic erythrocytes with the synthetic retinoid acitretin to increase 8-azido cyclic AMP binding to the RI regulatory subunit [9].
  • As judged from the dose- and body-weight-normalized AUC values (AUCcor) there was a great inter-individual variation (sixfold) in the systemic availability of acitretin [3].

Chemical compound and disease context of Acitretin


Biological context of Acitretin


Anatomical context of Acitretin


Associations of Acitretin with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Acitretin

  • Five out of 6 patients with KRT10 mutations benefited from treatment with oral acitretin (5-25mg/day) or topical tretinoin/tazarotene, but none of the patients with KRT1 mutations derived any benefit [26].
  • In this report, we present the case of a 65-year-old man with a 9-year history of recalcitrant ACH who demonstrated significant and sustained clinical improvement when etanercept, a competitive inhibitor of TNF-alpha, was added to his treatment regimen of acitretin and topical corticosteroids over a 12-week period [27].
  • We report a patient with severe sporadic DD, who did not respond adequately to repeated courses of orally administered acitretin and isotretinoin [28].
  • The Etretin effects on intracellular K5 staining paralleled those on cell-surface ICAM-1 [29].
  • In contrast, acitretin had no significant effect on intracellular retinoid concentrations in those neuroblastoma cell lines that showed little or no induction of CRABP after RA treatment [16].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Acitretin

  • Based on these findings, we conclude that IFN plus oral photochemotherapy is superior to IFN plus acitretin, inducing more complete remissions in patients with CTCL stages I and II [30].
  • In this study, we determined the effect of oral administration of acitretin in four psoriatic patients on the altered cAMP binding observed with the RI regulatory subunit of PKA in erythrocytes prepared from these patients [9].
  • Addition of 10(-6)M acitretin at various times also revealed that its presence at cell culture initiation was necessary to inhibit proliferation significantly [20].
  • Of these patients, 32 received standard UVB phototherapy without acitretin [31].
  • High-performance liquid chromatography determination of acitretin in plasma and its application to a pharmacokinetic study in human subjects [32].


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