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Neonatal Screening

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Disease relevance of Neonatal Screening

  • METHODS: We reviewed the results of neonatal screening for homocystinuria over a period of 32 years in New England. Additional specimens were requested for repeated analysis when blood methionine measurements were at or above the established cutoff level [1].
  • The effects of neonatal diagnostic screening on cystic-fibrosis (CF) -related morbidity were evaluated by comparing hospital admissions for CF-related illness in the first 2 years of life in 40 patients detected by means of neonatal screening and 56 patients born in the 3 years before screening began [2].
  • Thus, autosomal recessive SR deficiency leads to BH(4) and to neurotransmitter deficiencies without hyperphenylalaninemia and may not be detected by neonatal screening for phenylketonuria [3].
  • Fluorometric quantitative tyrosine determination on dried-blood spots is the primary neonatal screening test used for tyrosinemia type I (HT) in the province of Quebec [4].
  • We have previously reported that despite neonatal screening, children with severe congenital hypothyroidism treated at 5 weeks of age with 6 micrograms/ levothyroxine have clinically significant intellectual impairment, whereas those with the moderate form of the disease are indistinguishable from controls [5].

Psychiatry related information on Neonatal Screening


High impact information on Neonatal Screening

  • CONCLUSIONS: A cutoff level for blood methionine of 1 mg per deciliter in neonatal screening tests for homocystinuria should identify affected infants who have only slightly elevated concentrations of methionine and reduce the frequency of false negative results [1].
  • Clinical findings in four children with biotinidase deficiency detected through a statewide neonatal screening program [9].
  • CONCLUSIONS: In CF patients diagnosed through neonatal screening, P aeruginosa pulmonary infections occurred 6 to 12 months before the organism was isolated from respiratory secretions [10].
  • We detected GRTH at birth by analysis of blood obtained during routine neonatal screening [11].
  • Isolated biotin-resistant 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase (MCC) deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder of leucine catabolism that appears to be the most frequent organic aciduria detected in tandem mass spectrometry-based neonatal screening programs [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Neonatal Screening


Biological context of Neonatal Screening


Anatomical context of Neonatal Screening


Associations of Neonatal Screening with chemical compounds


Gene context of Neonatal Screening

  • Applications of dystrophin testing include improved diagnostic accuracy, carrier detection, fetal diagnosis, and evaluation of asymptomatic male infants identified as a result of neonatal screening for increased serum creatine kinase levels [30].
  • This disease warrants early detection through neonatal screening program, since the beneficial effect of early administration of adequate therapy with combined use of betaine and a high dose of methionine is rewarding and may be the treatment of choice for MTHFR deficiency [31].
  • Fumarylacetoacetase (FAH) (E.C. was measured retrospectively by an ELISA on 25 dried-blood samples from proven patients with HT and prospectively in 72,000 specimens received in the neonatal screening program [4].
  • We report here two new mutations in exon 11 of the PAH gene (GenBank U49897), V1163delTG and P362T (using cDNA sequence), detected during the analysis of 57 PKU and 36 HPA patients belonging to 84 unrelated families detected under a neonatal screening program performed in Catalonia [32].
  • We have retrospectively analyzed 837 random anonymized dried blood spot (DBS) samples from neonatal screening programs in Scandinavia for mutations in HFE, the candidate gene for hemochromatosis [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Neonatal Screening


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