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Chemical Compound Review

CHEMBL222824     4,6-dioxoheptanoic acid

Synonyms: CCRIS 1387, AG-K-75887, BSPBio_002406, KBioGR_001778, KBioGR_001852, ...
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Disease relevance of Succinylacetone


High impact information on Succinylacetone

  • Hereditary tyrosinemia and the heme biosynthetic pathway. Profound inhibition of delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity by succinylacetone [6].
  • Increased levels of the diagnostic metabolite succinylacetone in the urine of the Fah(6287SB) and Fah(5961SB) mutants indicate that these mutations cause a decrease in Fah enzymatic activity [7].
  • SA was shown to inhibit in vitro the overall DNA-ligase activity present in normal cell extracts [8].
  • These results suggest that accumulation of SA reduces the overall ligase activity in HT1 cells and indicate that metabolism errors may play a role in regulating enzymatic activities involved in DNA replication and repair [8].
  • In this pilot project, FAH was measured first, and, if necessary, succinylacetone was determined as the complementary test [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Succinylacetone


Biological context of Succinylacetone


Anatomical context of Succinylacetone


Associations of Succinylacetone with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Succinylacetone

  • The MARE binding activity of Bach1 in K562 and MEL cells increased upon SA treatment, and the increase was diminished by the treatment with hemin [25].
  • SA had no effect on TfR expression in Fw cells [26].
  • Treatment of HLE/2E1 cells with succinylacetone (SA), a potent inhibitor of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase and thereby heme synthesis, resulted in a further increase in ALAS-N mRNA but a decrease in HO-1 mRNA levels [27].
  • The addition of SA did not alter the c-myc response of ECFC to EP [28].
  • In short-term (1-2 hours) incubation, SA inhibited 59Fe incorporation from transferrin into heme, whereas total cellular 59Fe uptake was increased [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Succinylacetone


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