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Gene Review

HAL  -  histidine ammonia-lyase

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: HIS, HSTD, Histidase, Histidine ammonia-lyase
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Disease relevance of HAL


Psychiatry related information on HAL

  • The results of this trial suggest that the therapeutic effect of HAL/AMI is superior to RIS in the total group of patients with combined psychotic and depressive symptoms [6].
  • The main difference was that patients treated with LAP and HAL returned to normal physical activity and work significantly earlier than those who underwent OD [7].
  • These two changes to the HAL model produce measures of word neighborhood density that are reliably predictive of human lexical decision reaction times [8].
  • The wide and unique spectrum of receptor activity of CLO in comparison with HAL as well as some neurotransmitters' interactions may explain its usefulness in long-term therapy of bipolar affective disorder and schizoaffective disorder with co-occurred cognitive deficits [9].

High impact information on HAL

  • The Mr, CD cluster dendrogram analysis, and lack of induction by IL-1 of HAL 1/13 distinguish it from most other known endothelial cell adhesion molecules [5].
  • The contribution of the HAL 1/13 ligand to leukocyte adhesion significantly increased (more than twofold) when the muscle or endothelial cells had been exposed previously to a hypoxic environment [5].
  • Conformational searches showed that these distances were also unusually short and exhibited very little variation in the Delta-Ala143 HAL tetramer, indicating that like GFP the tetrameric form of HAL is rigidly preorganized for cyclization [10].
  • Tyrosine ammonia-lyase (TAL) is a recently described member of the aromatic amino acid lyase family, which also includes phenylalanine (PAL) and histidine ammonia-lyases (HAL) [11].
  • The cell line v-ras-HAL was derived by microinjection of HAL cells with v-Ha-ras DNA [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of HAL


Biological context of HAL


Anatomical context of HAL


Associations of HAL with chemical compounds

  • OBJECTIVES: To assess in vivo receptor occupancy (RO) in patients clinically treated with FLX (n = 13, 5.7 +/- 1.4 mg/day) in comparison with risperidone (RIS, n = 11, 3.6 +/- 1.3 mg/day) and haloperidol (HAL, n = 11, 8.5 +/- 5.5 mg/day) [22].
  • Forty-six unpremedicated children had anesthesia induced by immediate 8% sevoflurane (high sevoflurane [HS]; circuit primed with 70% N2O and 8% sevoflurane before application of the face mask), gradual sevoflurane (GS; primed with 70% N2O with increments of sevoflurane), and gradual halothane (HAL; 70% N2O with incremental halothane) [23].
  • Unlike histidinoalanine, this crosslink appears to accumulate in relatively high concentrations in water-soluble lens proteins; its concentration was 9-fold higher than histidinoalanine from the same proteins (0.26+/-0.06 HAL vs 2.34+/-0.76 LAN nmol/mg protein; p<0.0004) [24].
  • These results indicate that MA-HAL specifically binds to and masks the high-affinity lysine-binding site of plasminogen [25].
  • Indeed, this antibody (MA-HAL) reacted with plasminogen and with a fragment of plasminogen composed of the first three triple-loop structures (LBS I) and was displaced by 6-aminohexanoic acid (50% displacement at 25 microM) [25].

Other interactions of HAL


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of HAL


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