MeSH Review:
- The effect of portal-systemic shunting on hepatic sex hormone receptors in male rats. Stauber, R.E., Rosenblum, E., Eagon, P.K., Gavaler, J.S., Van Thiel, D.H. Gastroenterology (1991)
- Hypogonadism precedes liver feminization in chronic alcohol-fed male rats. Tadic, S.D., Elm, M.S., Subbotin, V.M., Eagon, P.K. Hepatology (2000)
- Immunoendocrine interactions during chronic cysticercosis determine male mouse feminization: role of IL-6. Morales-Montor, J., Baig, S., Mitchell, R., Deway, K., Hallal-Calleros, C., Damian, R.T. J. Immunol. (2001)
- Clinical and genetic features of adrenocortical lesions in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Skogseid, B., Larsson, C., Lindgren, P.G., Kvanta, E., Rastad, J., Theodorsson, E., Wide, L., Wilander, E., Oberg, K. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1992)
- Interstitial cell tumor. Profile of hormone-producing tumor. Herwig, K.R., Vinson, R.K. Urology (1978)
- Estradiol and para-chlorophenylalanine downregulate the expression of brain aromatase and estrogen receptor-alpha mRNA during the critical period of feminization in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Tsai, C.L., Wang, L.H., Fang, L.S. Neuroendocrinology (2001)
- Can alcohol promote aromatization of androgens to estrogens? A review. Purohit, V. Alcohol (2000)
- xol-1: a gene that controls the male modes of both sex determination and X chromosome dosage compensation in C. elegans. Miller, L.M., Plenefisch, J.D., Casson, L.P., Meyer, B.J. Cell (1988)
- The sex determination process in maize. Dellaporta, S.L., Calderon-Urrea, A. Science (1994)
- DDT-induced feminization of gull embryos. Fry, D.M., Toone, C.K. Science (1981)
- Increased cortical bone mineral content but unchanged trabecular bone mineral density in female ERbeta(-/-) mice. Windahl, S.H., Vidal, O., Andersson, G., Gustafsson, J.A., Ohlsson, C. J. Clin. Invest. (1999)
- Antiestrogenic action of dihydrotestosterone in mouse breast. Competition with estradiol for binding to the estrogen receptor. Casey, R.W., Wilson, J.D. J. Clin. Invest. (1984)
- Massive extranglandular aromatization of plasma androstenedione resulting in feminization of a prepubertal boy. Hemsell, D.L., Edman, C.D., Marks, J.F., Siiteri, P.K., MacDonald, P.C. J. Clin. Invest. (1977)
- Feminization of the alcoholic: the estrogen/testosterone ratio (E/T). Lester, R., Eagon, P.K., Van Thiel, D.H. Gastroenterology (1979)
- Effect of spironolactone and potassium canrenoate on cytosolic and nuclear androgen and estrogen receptors of rat liver. Francavilla, A., Di Leo, A., Eagon, P.K., Polimeno, L., Guglielmi, F., Fanizza, G., Barone, M., Starzl, T.E. Gastroenterology (1987)
- Neuroendocrine control of a sexually dimorphic behavior by a few neurons of the pars intercerebralis in Drosophila. Belgacem, Y.H., Martin, J.R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2002)
- The TRA-1 transcription factor binds TRA-2 to regulate sexual fates in Caenorhabditis elegans. Wang, S., Kimble, J. EMBO J. (2001)
- Effect of cis-platinum on heme, drug, and steroid metabolism pathways: possible involvement in nephrotoxicity and infertility. Maines, M.D. Crit. Rev. Toxicol. (1990)
- Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyl metabolites are anti-estrogenic in a stably transfected human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7) cell line. Kramer, V.J., Helferich, W.G., Bergman, A., Klasson-Wehler, E., Giesy, J.P. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. (1997)
- Partial demasculinization and feminization of sex behavior in male rats by in utero and lactational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin is not associated with alterations in estrogen receptor binding or volumes of sexually differentiated brain nuclei. Bjerke, D.L., Brown, T.J., MacLusky, N.J., Hochberg, R.B., Peterson, R.E. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. (1994)
- Peptide hormones versus steroid hormones: case studies from snail and turtle populations. Oberdorster, E. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (2001)
- Specification of male development in Caenorhabditis elegans: the fem genes. Kimble, J., Edgar, L., Hirsh, D. Dev. Biol. (1984)
- Comparison of the effects of the 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor finasteride and the antiandrogen flutamide on prostate and genital differentiation: dose-response studies. Imperato-McGinley, J., Sanchez, R.S., Spencer, J.R., Yee, B., Vaughan, E.D. Endocrinology (1992)
- Sex determination in the Drosophila germline is dictated by the sexual identity of the surrounding soma. Waterbury, J.A., Horabin, J.I., Bopp, D., Schedl, P. Genetics (2000)
- Inhibition of testicular development and feminization of the male genitalia by neonatal estrogen treatment in a marsupial. Fadem, B.H., Tesoriero, J.V. Biol. Reprod. (1986)
- Pretranslational down-regulation of male specific hepatic P450s after portal bypass. Jiang, X.M., Cantrill, E., Farrell, G.C., Murray, M. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1994)
- Sex determination in the nematode C. elegans: analysis of tra-3 suppressors and characterization of fem genes. Hodgkin, J. Genetics (1986)
- Wnt4 overexpression disrupts normal testicular vasculature and inhibits testosterone synthesis by repressing steroidogenic factor 1/beta-catenin synergy. Jordan, B.K., Shen, J.H., Olaso, R., Ingraham, H.A., Vilain, E. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003)
- Developmental action of estrogen receptor-alpha feminizes the growth hormone-Stat5b pathway and expression of Cyp2a4 and Cyp2d9 genes in mouse liver. Sueyoshi, T., Yokomori, N., Korach, K.S., Negishi, M. Mol. Pharmacol. (1999)
- Possible role of somatostatin in the regulation of the sexually differentiated steroid metabolism and prolactin receptor in rat liver. Norstedt, G., Mode, A., Hökfelt, T., Eneroth, P., Elde, R., Ferland, L., Labrie, F., Gustafsson, J.A. Endocrinology (1983)
- Alteration of plasma sex hormone levels associated with old age and its effect on hepatic drug metabolism in rats. Fujita, S., Chiba, M., Ohta, M., Kitani, K., Suzuki, T. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (1990)
- Corpus callosum: ovarian hormones and feminization. Fitch, R.H., Cowell, P.E., Schrott, L.M., Denenberg, V.H. Brain Res. (1991)
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome in a thoroughbred mare (64, XY--testicular feminization). Howden, K.J. Can. Vet. J. (2004)
- The importance of estrogen replacement in young women with Turner syndrome. Hanton, L., Axelrod, L., Bakalov, V., Bondy, C.A. Journal of women's health (2002) (2003)