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Optical Rotation

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Disease relevance of Optical Rotation


High impact information on Optical Rotation


Biological context of Optical Rotation


Anatomical context of Optical Rotation

  • We have discussed the nature of a scleral lens that will allow us to follow changes in aqueous humor glucose levels in animals by a method based on optical rotation and a technique described in an earlier paper [12].

Associations of Optical Rotation with chemical compounds


Gene context of Optical Rotation

  • An analysis of the data gave the difference in free energy between the low- and high-energy conformers as 1315 cal/mol and gave the optical rotation of the low-energy conformer and the average of the rotations of the higher energy forms [18].
  • The reaction conditions were mild and there was no acyl migration, as shown by optical rotation of the monoacyl-sn-glycerols [19].
  • Regeneration of ribonuclease A from the reduced protein. 1. Conformational analysis of the intermediates by measurements of enzymatic activity, optical density, and optical rotation [20].
  • Intrinsic viscosity and optical rotation data obtained on hemoglobin and myoglobin at high salt concentrations, above the unfolding transition regions, indicate that the product of denaturation by the aliphatic acid salts is less unfolded than in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride solutions [21].
  • Furthermore, a racemic sample of N-acylated hexafluoroleucine was enzymatically resolved by treatment with porcine kidney acylase I and was found to have the same optical rotation as a synthetic sample of 6 [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Optical Rotation


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